Page 77 of His Sacrifice

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Twenty Seven


“Do you really need that?” Rhett hobbles himself into my office, he’s still weak from being attacked but he’s managing to get himself around enough to be pissing me off.

“This is my first drink today.” I pull the cork out of the bottle with my teeth and pour a generous measure before sliding it across the desk at him.

“It’s 10am.” he reminds me, looking at me all judgingly.

It’s been a week since Father gave me his warning, and with his and Mother's anniversary only a few weeks away, I’m still no closer to figuring out how I can get out of this marriage. I’ve tried to hide my concerns from Evelyn, and since she’s got a shoot on Venice beach today for one of Claude’s friends, I’m taking some time to try and get my head straight.

“You like the way Briella Quinn looks, right?” I ask him thoughtfully.

“Who wouldn’t? She’s a hot piece of ass,” Rhett answers.

“Want to marry her?” I snigger, and he laughs at me.

“Brian Quinn would never want a wretch like me getting his hands on his daughter. Come on, I vote for a trip to the ranch, just me, you and some nasty little whores.”

“You're not up to that yet.” I slide my hand across my forehead to try and ease the throbbing inside it.

“Burlusconi Jr. severely disagrees with you.” Rhett re-lights his joint and slouches back on the chair he’s sitting in.

“I don’t want you going to the ranch, not yet.” I can’t have him turn up there, not until I’ve dealt with my other little problem.

“Why the fuck not?” he questions me as I light a cigarette, massaging my temple with my thumb.

“For once, can you just do what the fuck you're told without questioning shit?” I sigh, throwing my lighter down.

“You're starting to sound a lot like Dad.” He tilts his head at me and takes another deep toke on his spliff.

“Why are you here, Rhett?” It’s time for him to cut to the chase, is he the next person my father has sent to spy on me?

“One, because Wendy’s waffles are better than Berta's, and two, because I want to hang out and do fun shit with my big brother. We are the princes of Los Angeles, Raoul, and you are moping around like a lovesick pussy.”

“It’s puppy,” I correct him, huffing out a laugh as I exhale a cloud of smoke.

“Looks like a fucking pussy from over here.” He looks me up and down like a smart ass.

“I have shit to take care of, Rhett, I haven’t got time for fun right now. Can you just please go home and rest. Does Mother even know you’ve left the house?”

“No, of course not, she’s away at one of those healing retreats that Dad pays a fortune for, probably drinking tree sap and dolphin milk.”

“Go home, Rhett, rest up and get better. This family is gonna need you soon.” I leave him in my office, taking my glass with me, and head to the living room for some space. When I hear the front door slam, I sigh with relief.

I’m not up for company right now. I’m running out of time and I need a resolution.

I pull out my cell to call Felix, I need him to change the code on the gate to the ranch so Rhett can’t get in, and I notice I have some missed calls from Sal.

“Raoul,” he sounds on edge when I dial him back.

“What’s wrong?”

“I need you to come here.” I don’t like the way this sounds, Sal is an ex-Seal, those fuckers don’t get nervous.

“Is the girl okay?” I check. Last I heard, the physician had given her and the child she’s carrying the all-clear.

“Yeah, Raoul, they're fine, but you need to hear what she’s got to say.”
