Page 8 of His Sacrifice

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Hate is a strong word, my mama always told me it shouldn’t be used lightly. But as I watch the man who stole my first kiss briskly walk down the fire escape while buttoning up the jacket on his tailored suit, I feel the full force of loathing.

How could I have let him touch me like that? Especially when I know what Raoul is capable of doing to me. Him turning my suffering into a game is just as cruel and merciless as I’d expect from a man like him. Did I really think him touching me would make this situation any easier?

Of course, seeing the man who broke my heart hurt me, and it took everything inside me not to show that when I was sitting opposite him and his brother. I’d done so well, and now I’ve let myself down by allowing him the pleasure of my humiliation.

My body’s still pulsing for more of him, and I struggle to catch my breath as I watch him disappear from the alley, back onto the main street. I suck in a few deep breaths of air, taking a moment to gather myself before turning around and heading back inside.

“What was that about?” Kendra snatches my arm as soon as I step out from behind the curtain and slip back into the VIP section. Judging from the fact no one else is staring at me, I assume she must be the only one who noticed what just happened. Not that it surprises me, everyone up here’s either high, drunk, or has their face buried into a pair of tits.

“That was Raoul Burlusconi.” I raise an eyebrow and help myself to a shot from the tray that passes us, knocking it straight back.

It does nothing to take away my anger or to douse the fire between my legs that the selfish asshole has left there.

“The Raoul Burlusconi?” Kendra’s eyes double in size. “Prince of the west coast, the man who they say has killed over a hundred men and fucks like a stallion. He who shows no mercy and broke your hea—”

“Yes, all of those things,” I snap back, not wanting to hear anymore.

Why does my best friend have to be so fixated on gossip?

I can’t take this, not now. Tonight’s important to Fabian, but I have to question myself. How the hell didn’t I see this coming? Fabian doesn’t hide stuff from me, I know his family does the odd illegitimate deal. I also know that anything illegitimate in this city passes through the Burlusconis.

“Hell, Evvy, he looked pretty mad when he dragged you out of here.” Kendra looks concerned as her eyes check me over for damage. She won’t find any, all of that’s on the inside.

“What happened out there?” she asks.

“We talked,” I answer far too quickly to sound believable. The girl has become my best friend over the past few years. She knows me better than anyone.

“Did he kiss you?” she lowers her voice, checking the space around us for anyone in earshot.

“No!” I bite back, at least I can be honest about that. Raoul didn’t kiss me, he just teased me with what would have undoubtedly been a mind-shattering orgasm.

“Good, because the last thing we want is you getting into trouble with Mr. Hot Shot.” I follow her eyes across the room to where Fabian is sitting, drinking with his friends.

“I hate it when you call him that,” I remind her, still trying my best to regulate my breathing. The more I think about what just happened, the more pissed off I feel. How dare Raoul come here, to my boyfriend's club, and drag me out of it like I’m his property. Then, have the nerve to question my life choices.

How dare he touch me the way he did and leave without explanation.

I hate him. I really fucking hate him.

“Evy, you look flustered, maybe you should sit down,” Kendra suggests, with a smug look on her face.

“No.” I shake my head at her. “What I need is another drink.”


“Did you see the look on his face when I told him about Prizrak?” Fabian laughs to himself as we step into his apartment.

I feel beat, seeing Raoul tonight has wound me up far too much to get drunk, and I’m exhausted by all the thoughts that he’s put inside my head. All it took was one encounter, just a few moments together to stir up my emotions and destroy years of work repairing the hurt he caused me.

“The great Raoul Burlusconi, who thinks everyone’s afraid of him.” Fabian chuckles, moving over to the bar on the other side of the room to pour himself a nightcap.

“Maybe that’s because everyone is afraid of him,” I point out, taking off my heels and slumping onto the couch. I touch my fingers to my lips where he touched me, they feel tainted now. Tainted in the most exhilarating way.

I quickly remind myself that I hate Raoul, I’ve hated him since the night he kissed me and ran. I hate him for not telling me it would be the last time I’d see him. And I hate him for the way my heart slowly broke each day that he didn’t return.
