Page 90 of His Sacrifice

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“I have to admit to being a little hurt that you didn’t remember me.” She pushes the gun deeper into his flesh, forcing his head higher.

“What the hell are you talking about, Kendra?” he stares at her blankly.

“I’m talking about the night I visited you at the ranch, when you fucked me so hard it made me forget how much I wanted you dead,” she laughs hysterically.

“This has been a long time coming between us, Raoul. I’ve played the fucking long game to get to you.”

“Kendra, what is all this about?” I ask her, desperate for answers, the girl’s clearly having some kind of breakdown, she’s not making any sense.

“When did we meet, Evelyn?” she asks me.

“I don’t know three, maybe four years ago?” I answer, trying to piece all this together in my head. Is this all my fault, am I the reason she wants him dead because he hurt me?

“You were so easy to lie to, so desperate for a friend you’d believe anything. You even bought that I worked for a telesales company.” She laughs at me.

“Why wouldn’t I, Kendra? It’s what you told me,” I yell back at her, angry that she could find this funny.

“I work for Fabian,” she says, looking at the man who’s holding me in his grip.

“No, you can’t. I introduced you to him. You hate him.”

“I recruit for him, and you were the perfect candidate. No money, a family that didn’t give a fuck, just a poor little girl lost in a big city.” She fakes a pout at me, and Raoul makes another attempt to tug on the chains above his head.

“But we spent so much time together, we’ve hung out for years. You’ve never tried to recruit me into anything. I don’t believe you, Kendra. Whatever this is, we can fix it. We’ll get you a good shrink. He’s fucked with your head somehow, you're my best friend, you're not a—”

“A whore,” Fabian finishes the sentence for me with that smug grin on his face. “She’s the best I got, sweetheart.”

“Why would you want Raoul dead? None of this makes any sense,” I say, trying to keep the atmosphere calm so she doesn't do anything irrational like pull that fucking trigger.

“Why would I want Raoul dead?” She taps her finger against her cheek as she ponders. “Shall we ask him?” Her head turns back toward him.

“All this because I fucked you and can’t remember?” He laughs at her, suddenly not seeming to care that the mad woman has a gun held against him.

“Try again,” she presses the gun into his throat. “Maybe I should shoot you here, make you suffer the same way you did my daddy.” Her eyes glance back at me and I see the tears in them.

“You’re not the only gullible person in the room, Evelyn, and what your boyfriend is about to learn is that sometimes your past can come back to bite you on the ass.” She turns her attention back to him. “You killed my father because your daddy told you to. You even stopped before you pulled the trigger to ask why, and believed every word that lying son of a bitch told you. You ended an innocent man’s life and you ruined mine.”

Kendra’s hand that holds the gun starts to shake as her tears flow.

“My family used to work for his,” she starts explaining. “Daddy kept the ranch, he looked after the animals and Mama took care of the house. We had a good life, nothing close to the Burlusconis’ luxuries, but we were happy.” She swipes her hand under her nose and snuffles. “His father raped my mom.” She shoves the gun angrily into Raoul's body, making my pulse pick up. “He took her while my daddy was out taking care of the horses.” Kendra’s voice breaks and she uses her free hand to wipe her eyes dry. “He came into our home and he fucked her right in front of us.”

Raoul shuts his eyes as he listens to her.

“We were going to leave quietly, my family feared the Burlusconis too much to make trouble, but your father wouldn’t let him leave, would he, Raoul?” she sobs, and I can’t help but want to comfort her.

“I saw the whole thing, watched you take his life through the basement window, and heard the story your father told you. You looked so satisfied, pulling the trigger and making him suffer.”

“I was just a kid, of course, I was going to believe what my father told me,” Raoul defends himself. “Why make Evelyn hurt? She’s innocent. Let her go, Kendra.”

“I spent so many years thinking about the ways I’d kill you, and then fate happened and she became my opportunity to destroy you,” Kendra admits to him, stepping away from him and coming toward me.

“I was staking out the Burlusconi mansion when you showed up there that night with your little duffle bag, and I saw how sad you were when you got turned away.”

Raoul looks confused when I glance at him.

“I followed you. Do you remember that night, Evvy? We sat in that late-night diner and talked. All night. You told me everything, and I created the character who would become your best friend.”

I think back to the night we met, I’d felt so alone when Carlos sent me away. I was soaking wet from the rain. Kendra was the first person to smile at me. She’d come to the diner to meet up with someone she’d been talking to online, and he was a no show.
