Page 103 of Forbidden Soul

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“But why involve Cooper? And if he was happy to let her go that night, why come for her after so long?” Jessie asks all the questions I’ve been going over.

“Because he was worried she was talking.” The photos the guy showed me the day he came to the compound and asked me to throw the fight was evidence of us getting close. It was only a matter of time before she talked.

“This doesn’t solve who did it. I got no leads, CCTV was wiped. I had no witnesses.” Roswell comes up empty, and I see how much he wants this guy.

It’s a shame for him that I want him more.

“Well consider your case reopened,” Jessie tells him, passing me his smoke.

“Never closed it,” Roswell shakes his head.

“It's under club investigation now,” Jessie tells him, slapping me hard on the back for reassurance.

“Go get some sleep, Troj, we got a lead.”

I wait in the bar for Prez and Jessie, while Marilyn clucks around taking breakfast orders. I decline her offer because I can’t stomach anything, not while all this is going on in my head. I have new information to focus on, and I’m using it to stop me from following my instincts and trying to find out where Shaniya’s gone so I can chase her back here.

Rogue scowls at me as she helps herself to a slice of bacon from the tray on the bar, and Grimm follows in behind her taking a seat on the stool beside me.

“Coffee, darlin’?” Marilyn asks him.

“Black,” he nods back.

“Just like his fuckin’ soul.” Rogue slides her tongue over his cheek. “Gotta go to work, baby,” she tells him, biting down hard on his ear. The cold bastard doesn’t even flinch.

Grimm waits until she’s walked out the doors before leaning in a little closer to me, and since it’s such odd behavior for him, I pull back in shock.

“You know it was Rogue who took your girl to the bus station last night don’t ya?” he speaks under his breath so no one else can hear.

“Figured as much.” I rest my elbows on the bar and bury my head in my hands.

“Rogue would take my balls from me if she thought I was doing this.” I watch him take an immaculately folded piece of paper from his cut pocket and place it on the bar, his long, tattooed finger sliding it across the surface so it’s in front of me. I stare down at it blankly, my fingers twitching to pick it up.

“What’s that, Grimm?” I ask, my jaw straining with tension. I don’t need to fucking ask, I already know damn well what it fucking is.

“That’s an address. Rogue fixed her up for a few nights in Vegas, I think she’s heading for—” I quickly snatch up the paper before he can finish, smashing it into his chest and almost knocking him off his stool.

“If you consider yourself my brother, you’ll destroy that,” I growl at him. “And if you consider yourself my friend, you will never, so long as you live, tell me where that girl is,” I warn, stepping back.

“Just trying to help. If that was Rogue, I’d have to know,” he shrugs.

“I can't fucking know, Grimm.” I shake my head and move around the bar to pour myself something strong. Fuck what time of day it is.

“Why?” He looks back at me, confused. Grimm’s never been one to give a shit, so he must be really curious.

“Because right now, me not knowing what's on that piece of paper is the only thing saving her from me.”

I knock back the scotch I’ve poured myself, and Grimm nods his head back slowly, at least pretending to understand.

Prez and Jessie arrive in the bar room a few minutes later, and Jessie gets a kiss on the cheek from his mother-in-law as she slides a plate of eggs in front of him.

“Where’s Maddy this morning?” she asks him.

“Feelin’ a little off, she’s lying in,” Jessie tells her, shoving a fork full into his mouth.

“Off? Like I got a grandbaby on the way, kinda off?” Marilyn asks hopefully.

“I doubt it, the way they’ve been doin' it,” Prez winks at her as he cracks a wise one, and Marilyn swats Jessie around the back of his head.
