Page 106 of Forbidden Soul

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This, right in front of me is the reason my old lady don’t want my kids. Not because she can’t see herself as a mother, but because she don’t see me as a father.

I keep watching as he loads his kids in the car. Talking to them and laughing as he buckles them in.

I’ll bet he’s got a regular job, and that last night he spent some time watching a movie with his wife after they got their kids to sleep.

He ain’t got death on his conscience, or an ATF officer up his fucking ass right now.

“Fuck.” My palm slams into the steering wheel with frustration. Setting off the horn and making daddy-fuckin’-daycare leap out of his skin.

I breathe through my nose, running my hands through my hair and blowing back out slowly. I’m being real fucking selfish wanting all that shit, I’m being selfish even thinking about it at a time like this. I ain’t got time for my own problems right now. I got to get my head on straight.

I watch the family pull away before getting out of my truck. Slamming the door shut hard, I stride up to Hawker’s window and tap my knuckle on the glass.

“What’s your problem?” I ask when he’s slid his window down. I’ve been doing too good a job of keeping my cool lately, and with my best friend losing his head, it’s getting harder to keep a lid on.

“No problem here.” Hawker shrugs coolly.

“You followed me.”

“It’s a free country. I was just taking in the scenery.” He rests back against the car’s headrest.

“Stay out of our business,” I warn, pointing my finger close to the smug bastard’s face.

“It’s my job to stay in your business, Donavon,” he reminds me, tempting me to grab the fucker by his tie and drag him out his fucking window so I can stamp his head into the sidewalk.

I just refuse to give this mother fucker the pleasure.

“You ain’t got shit on us.” I curl my lip up at him, backing away and heading into the grocery store.

He’s still in his parking spot when I get out, and I flip the cocksucker my finger after I’ve loaded the bags into the back of my pickup. Naturally the asshole follows me when I head for home, and he parks up on the verge opposite the gates where he was when I came out.

I drop the groceries off for Marilyn and have Tommy carry them up to the kitchen for her.

“I heard something, and I want you to tell me if it’s true.” Abby catches me before I can head to the gym to knock out some frustration on the pads.

“Watcha hear?”

“The man who murdered Danny, was he the same man who’s been working with Cooper?” she asks sadly. Word spreads fast around here. I don’t know why I’m so surprised by that anymore.

I nod my head back at her, it’s pointless keeping it from her.

“We’ll find him, and trust me, Troj will make him pay,” I promise.

“I just don’t understand why anyone would want to hurt him, he was so kind, he never made trouble for anyone.” It’s easy to forget what the girl’s been through. She was a junkie when she arrived, and fucked up as it is, being here’s been her salvation.

“How are things going with your parents?” I ask, changing the subject. I make it my business to know everything that goes on around here. Her pops showed up a few weeks ago throwing his weight around, and I ain’t heard much about it since.

“He’s not giving up, I don’t think he has the nerve to come back here, but he’s blowing up my phone on the daily. Guess the lawyer in him thinks he can talk himself into getting whatever he wants.”

“You make your own choices,” I remind her.

“I do,” she nods back at me proudly, before I head out to see if Troj is at the gym.

I hear someone going hell for leather on the punch bag that hangs from one of the rafters when I pull up outside. And I stand in the doorway and watch my best friend unleashing all his hurt and rage. Pounding the bag so hard the fucking roof shakes.

When I step closer, I realize he’s sobbing, real fucking tears. I’ve seen the man at his worst, but he still never loses. He puts everything into fighting.

Why ain’t he fighting this?
