Page 129 of Forbidden Soul

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Of course, he insisted on conducting the ceremony, and this part of today is all for her. Her customs. Her traditions. I’ll do whatever I need to do, so in the eyes of her god and her people, she’s mine entirely.

And then tomorrow I’ll take her to the courthouse and make it all legal by state standard.

Jessie passes me the rings and I slide the band over Shaniya’s dainty finger before looking up and watching her smile. Then I listen to the chief talk some more before I make the vow to love his niece, now and forever, even when our lives pass on to the next.

She blushes at his overbearingness, but I can only respect a man that shares an interest in her safety with me. It’s why I don’t oppose the fact Tawk’s been hanging around the club as often as he has been lately.

After what seems like hours, the ceremony finishes and we’re flooded by people wanting to congratulate us. The native women flick strange twigs at us, and it doesn’t take long for our girls to join in too, while someone, somewhere, burns off some questionable smelling shit.

We all make our way back to the clubhouse where the reception’s gonna happen, that was a tradition my club was not prepared to overlook.

“Congratulations. You owe everything to me,” Rogue tells me, stretching up to kiss me on my cheek when we get to the yard. I can tell she ain’t happy about the bridesmaid dress that Shaniya picked out for her, it’s really not her style, but she wore it regardless.

“I won’t argue with you on that one,” I agree with her, watching the awkward hug Shaniya gives to an unresponsive Grimm.

“You forgave him far too easily, should have made him suffer longer.” Rogue tells Shaniya.

“Why would I want to make the man I love suffer, especially after we’ve suffered enough?” Shaniya looks up at me as she answers Rogues question. The emotion I see in her beautiful blue eyes is confirmation that my wife is capable of anything. Rogue is right, she should have made me suffer. But Shaniya knows no malice. She’s been tested by evil, and yet her heart remains pure.

“You definitely need to name your first born after me,” Rogue snaps me out of the moment, throwing me a wicked smile, and I take Shaniya’s hand in mine and pull her in closer.

I wonder how long it’ll be before we get kids of our own? Especially since we ain't doing anything to prevent it. For all I know, Shan could have my kid growing inside her right now, and the thought of that makes me hold onto her a little tighter.

The past few weeks have been busy. Planning a shot-gun wedding and trying to redeem myself to my club brothers hasn’t been easy.

But watching Shaniya grow stronger every day has kept me going. That and the fact I know who I’m looking for now.

Finding Hawker and making him pay will continue to be the first thing I think about in the morning and the last thing at night, until it’s done. But I won’t slip back to being the monster I became. Hawker will have his day, and I will serve him his justice. But he won’t take anymore away from us.

Prez nods me over to him, and I kiss my new wife and leave her to talk with Grace before I make my way over.

“Well done,” Prez nods his head toward Shaniya, and we both watch her talk to Grace and Brax, then bend down to encourage baby Dylan to toddle over from Nyx toward her.

“She fits,” Prez adds with a grin on his face.

“She does, don’t she?” I smile as my friends gather around her, treating her like she’s always been here.

“I lost ya for a while, kid. It sure is good to have you back.” Prez slaps me hard on my back.

“I’m focused now,” I assure him, keeping my eyes on my beautiful wife, and knowing nothing in this world is gonna stop me from making her happy.

“It’s what they do to us, they tear us apart so they’re the only ones that can fix us.” Prez sighs, sounding a little lost himself.

“Go get back to your bride, Troj, and don’t go getting soft on me. I got you a fight scheduled for a fortnight.”

I make my way back over to Shan and throw Squealer a warning look when I see he’s got his arm rested around her waist.

“So your friend… the uptight one.” He quickly removes his arm and looks over to where Dyanni is. She looks uncomfortable, despite Maddy making all her best efforts to talk to her.

“Fifty bucks says you don’t stand a chance,” Brax raises his chin, reading Squealer’s mind.

“Oh please, do you realize who you're talking to? You guys may have locked your cocks into a fucking cage, but I’m a fucking artist,” Squeal scoffs back at him.

I’m about to tell them not to be disrespectful about Shaniya’s friend but Shaniya speaks first.

“I’ll take that bet.” She smiles. “Sorry, Squeal, but there is no way Dyanni would go for a guy like you.”

“You want in on this Troj?” Squeal looks at me.
