Page 138 of Forbidden Soul

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“Prez, making people bleed and fuckin pussy… is life. The only one I wanna know anyway.” He shrugs, replacing his toothpick for a cigarette. “Seriously though, what’s happening to this place? This is meant to be a members only room. Last I checked, Jessie’s old lady wasn’t a member.”

“No, but she’s earned her stripes.” I frown at him, I don’t have to explain why Maddy is an exception to the rules. The work she does speaks for itself.

“I can’t get away from it, if it ain’t out there it’s in here now. A man can’t even get his dick sucked around here without being made to feel wrong for it.”

“That’s what the rutting rooms are for,” I remind him.

“Where’s the fuckin’ fun in that?” He looks at me in disgust.

“You got a problem with the girls?” I ask, wondering if this is gonna become a serious issue.

“Hell no I ain’t got no problem with ‘em. I actually like ‘em in a weird, don’t wanna bone your brains out kinda way,” he shakes his head like his own thoughts confuse him.

“Well then maybe you should find yaself an old lady of your own,'' I suggest, pouring myself another drink.

“Me?!” Squealer stares back at me, half shocked, half disgusted.

“Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. I’ll bet that somewhere out there, there’s that one female, just waiting to take you down and tame your ass. You better have eyes in both sides of your head, ‘cause she’ll creep up on ya like a tiger and once her claws are in… there ain’t no getting away from it,” I warn him.

“Sounds like you're talking from experience, old man.” He lifts his cocky head at me.

“Nah,” I shake back at him. I gave up all those opportunities years ago. It's why I spend most of my time here these days, it ain’t that I resent my boys being happy. If anything, I embrace it. Sure, females can be a distraction, but find yourself the right one and you find yourself a whole lot of motivation.

But being around it all reminds me of the things I fucked up on.

Squealer's phone buzzes and he wiggles it out of his jeans pocket then smirks to himself as he reads the message.

“You see that, Prez…” he flips his phone around to show me a pair of tits on the screen, they’re being pushed together by long, taloned fingers. The words ‘your cock here’ with an arrow pointing between them is written across the female's sternum in bright red lipstick.

“…That’s the reason I ain’t ever gonna be buying into any of that old lady bullshit.” He tucks his phone back inside his pocket and heads for the door with a smug grin on his face.

“We’ll see, Squeal.” I shake my head at him as he leaves. I have to admire the confidence he’s got in himself, but one day what he thinks is a strength, is gonna be his weakness. The hit of his fall will only come harder because there ain’t no man in this world, good or bad, who’s untameable… Not even him.
