Page 12 of Untamed Soul

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Troj and Jessie make their way over to the bar with Prez, while Screwy scopes one side of the room, and I cover the other. David has shown his loyalty to the club on more than one occasion, but we’ve learned that you can never ever be sure.

“Troj, you wait out here and show Rousseau through when he gets here. Squeal, you and Screw keep eyes out.” Once Prez has set out his plan, my brother nods his head to get my attention before he shoots his eyes over toward one of the tables in front of the stage. I must look just as shocked as he does when I see Alex sitting in one of the chairs drinking a martini. She’s out of uniform, wearing a black sweater that's tight to her figure and those same fuckin’ jeans she had on the night we fucked.

“Holy shit, what’s she doing here?” Jessie utters under his breath.

“Seems our new deputy is full of surprises,” I say, watching her staring at the female performer on stage.

“Roswell says she’s trustworthy,” Prez adds, not sounding all too confident.

“She’s been in town all of five minutes; how can he be sure?” Jessie holds up all five of his fingers for the barmaid to get us all a beer.

“I ain’t liking that she’s here, especially when we got a meeting with Rousseau,” Prez says under his breath.

“I’m on it,” I sigh, taking one of the beers that get placed on the bar and heading straight for her.

“Come here often?” I ask, placing my beer beside her martini and taking the chair next to her. I light up a cigarette and place my zippo on the table too.

“It’s illegal to smoke inside public premises,” she reminds me without taking her pretty green eyes from the stage.

“Was kinda hoping you’d throw those cuffs on me again.” I cock a brow at her, but she doesn’t notice, she’s too busy watching the girl on stage swing around the pole.

“Got to admit, of all the places I imagined running into ya again, here wasn’t one of them.” I can’t help mirroring the way her tongue slips out from her lips to wet them.

“Just thought I’d take in some local attractions. Get to know the town.” She refuses to remove her eyes from the now half-naked woman on stage. Camilla’s new, I haven’t even seen her fully naked yet, but I can’t take my eyes off Alex to even bother checking her out.

“Ya did, huh? You should have asked, I could have given you some recommendations.”

“You own this place.” I don’t know if that's a statement or a question, her tone is so sharp.

“We own the place,” I correct.

“You own her too?” She finally turns her head and looks at me, and there’s a spark of a flame in the muggy pools of her eyes.

“Let’s see, shall we?” I take my eyes off Alex to look at the girl on stage. She catches contact with me immediately, her back sliding down the pole as she shimmies her ass to the floor.

I gesture for her to come to me with my finger, and she smiles a dirty little smile as she abides, her heels moving across the shiny floor and then down the steps to our level.

I watch Alex’s reaction as the girl spreads her legs, resting the inside of her thighs on the outside of mine. Her hips roll against my stomach and Alex’s eyes glow wilder. She tries to distract herself by taking a sip of her drink and at least tries to pretend she’s not bothered. I reach into the front of my cut and take out a fifty-dollar bill, tucking it into Camilla’s lace panties. Then placing my hand to the back of her head, I pull her to my ear so I can whisper my instruction.

Time to get my hot little Deputy really flustered.

Camilla nods, her hands pressing into my shoulders as she gets off my lap and moves toward Alex. I see the shock overcome her sour face when the girl takes her by the knees and spreads her open. Wriggling her naked body up through the middle of them and dancing a beat against Alex’s body. Watching Alex fight so hard to withhold a reaction gets my cock fully hard, while Camilla puts in all her best efforts. Alex remains unmoved, even as the flush of embarrassment travels up her neck and heats her cheeks. She makes a mistake when her eyes flick over to mine. Because once I’ve got their attention, she can’t retreat. I hold her stare as her wrists are taken and her hands guided over Camilla’s soft skin.

Reaching forward, I take a sip from my beer bottle, not hiding the smirk I shoot at her as I rest back in my chair and enjoy the show. I get the full five agonizing minutes that I paid for, Camilla giving a very uncomfortable-looking Alex her undivided attention. And by the end of it, I’m not sure who suffered the most, me or her.

My cock is steel fucking hard, and I wonder what the fuck’s gotten into me when Camilla throws me a sexy smile over her shoulder then shakes her hips back onto the stage, and it does nothing for me.

“How was it?” I lean into Alex, I can almost taste the saltiness from the sweat that’s formed at her temples, and when she picks up her martini and sips from the rim, I can’t help but think how good it would be to taste her lips again.

“Very good.” She sits herself up a little straighter.

“Now, since Camilla clearly did nothing for you, do you wanna tell me the real reason you’re here, darlin’?” Roswell may vouch for her, but if she’s trying to keep her head down and fit in, arresting me and then showing up at our strip joint ain’t the cleverest way to go about it.

“Like I told you, Squealer,” she speaks my name like she hates it. “I was just checking out the nightlife around here.” She pulls her purse up off the table and slides her leather jacket from the back of her chair as she stands up. Then without a goodbye or a fuck you, she struts her hot ass out the club.

I notice the others have gone out back, and I join my brother at the bar to order myself another beer.

It ain’t long before Prez, Jessie, and Troj join us, shaking hands with Rousseau before he takes a seat over in one of the booths.
