Page 123 of Untamed Soul

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“We had eyes on that place for weeks waiting for Hawker or Chop. We set up our own cameras there in case Chop decided to show his face again. And you were seen leaving that place with more than one file.”

“That doesn’t prove anything.”

“No, it doesn’t, but where that little file you got on us doesn’t have an online trail, the one we got on you does. We saw all the emails Hawker sent you, not just the ones about your son.” I watch the man in front of me pale.

“How much?” He swallows his pride and moves toward his desk drawer.

“How much for what?” I chuckle at him.

“For you to leave here and never mention this again.”

“Let me think.” I run my finger over my lips and keep him waiting. “That will cost you, one convicting file, and…” I look up at his elaborately decorated ceiling. “…Oh yeah, a daughter.”

“She can’t ever know,” he says, sliding his checkbook back into the drawer.

“What, that her daddy’s a murderer? You scared she might put a bullet in your skull too?” It's my turn to mock the son of a bitch now.

“It wasn’t like that, things got out of hand. Those women, they like it rough, they’re used to it.”

“Spare me the detail, and I’ll let you into a little secret, Alec.” I lean forward and whisper, “I’ve choked the life out of someone before. That shit takes time and a whole lot of strength. I find it hard to believe a man like you makes many accidents in his lifetime. Next time you get over-excited, Commissioner, you might wanna cover your tracks a little better.” I wink.

“I don’t expect you to understand.”

“You really will do anything to protect your reputation, won’t you? You set Danny up for this. You knew Hawker wanted an inside man in our club, so you sent Danny to Roswell knowing he’d want him to work alongside us. Then, when your son got too close and started seeing the benefit of living on the other side of the law, you had him fucking killed.”

“Danny wasn’t innocent, he was foolish and greedy,” he swipes back. “He was meant to work for Hawker, not with him.”

“But he fell in love, and he wanted out. I’ll bet he came to you and asked for help, and instead of being a father, you saved your own ass and ratted him out to Hawker. Then you paid him to make the problem go away. You're a sick fuck.”

“Biker gangs don't have this kind of intel. Who are you people?” he asks, sinking into his chair and looking deflated.

“We’re the Dirty Souls, and we’ll be waiting for the day you decide to try and take us down. Because with the shit we got on you, you’ll be coming right along with us.”

Foster bends under his desk, and when he gets back up, he throws a heavy brown file on top of it.

“It’s all there. I didn’t make copies,” he assures me weakly.

“Guess we’ll have to trust each other on that one. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I got a lifetime of happiness to go give your daughter.” I sneer at the waste of oxygen as I turn my back and head for the door.

“She got rid of it, you know,” he calls after me, his words grinding my feet to a stop.

“That bastard kid of yours, she got rid of it without me even having to try and convince her it was a bad idea.” When I turn back around, he’s grinning at me cruelly. Like he’s somehow become the winner in this situation. “You really think it will last between you and her? She didn’t even want to bring her own child into the world because she knew you’d let her down. I know my daughter, you're just a phase, a rebellion against me. You’re not the type of man she wants a family with.”

“You finished?” I ask, swallowing down the sudden urge of grief I feel and focusing on the anger this fucker just put inside me.

“Yeah, I’m done,” he nods, pleased with himself.

“Good, because I didn’t come here out of obligation to do the right thing. I came here because I love your daughter. Maybe I would have made a lousy fucking father, but if there are any guarantees in life, I’d have made a better one than you. I won't tell your daughter what you did because it’ll crush her. But I’ll respectfully ask you to stay the fuck away from her.”

“And if I don’t?” he asks.

“Then God will get to judge you for your sins a little sooner than expected. Now go, say goodbye to your daughter. It'll be a really long time before you get to see her again.”

I leave him to find his wife and say goodbye to Alex, waiting out the front of the big fancy house and tucking the file away in my saddlebag. It gives me a chance to process the fact that I’m not gonna be a dad after all. It’s funny, I never thought I'd see the day I got all cut up about a bitch not wanting to give me a kid. But every relationship needs a rational person. Maybe I was too caught up in the idea of us to see that it wasn’t meant to be. Doesn't stop me from feeling fucking gutted about it though.

It’s been a good thirty minutes, and I’m just about to go find her when the front door opens, and she steps out of the house with a bag on her shoulder.

She smiles at me as she walks down the steps of her parents’ perfect mansion. And I wonder how the hell I managed to get a woman like her to fall in love with me. I reach into the saddlebag and take out the file, then hold it out to her.
