Page 125 of Untamed Soul

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“You're not losing me, Mom. We’ll visit, and you can come by the club anytime,” Alex promises, comforting her mom with a hug.

“I just worry about you, darling. You have always known what you wanted to be since you were a little girl. What will you be now?” Alex places a kiss on her mother's cheek and steps back threading her arm behind my back, and looking up at me with the big green eyes that have held me hostage since that first night I met her in that dive bar.

“I’m gonna be an old lady,” she says proudly, and her mother gasps in horror as I grab my girl by her jaw and force her lips onto mine.

“Time to hit the road, baby mama,” I tell her, picking up her bag and tying it to the back while she says goodbye to her mom. I sit in my saddle and take the bars, and she slides on behind me.

“You were joking about the station wagon, right?” I check before kicking up the stand and taking on the weight of my bike.

“Oh, trust me, you're keeping the bike,” she tells me, her arms wrapping around my waist as I start the engine, ready to ride me and my family back home.

“Where are you taking me?” I pull the T-shirt of Squealer’s, that I’m wearing, down my thighs. The blindfold he has over my eyes is tied so tight I can’t see a thing.

“Just trust me, you’re gonna like it,” he tells me. He shouldn’t count on that. I’m really not a morning person these days. Soon as I open my eyes, the babies make me sick. But since we’ve been back at the club, Squealer gets up before me and makes me breakfast every day.

Whatever this gesture is, I’m sure it will be sweet, but even by my standards, this is early.

“Watch the step, baby mama,” he tells me, guiding me up and then letting me go. He pulls the blindfold off my head, and when I open my eyes, I see that we’re standing facing the door of Abby’s cabin.

“Welcome home, darlin’,” he whispers, sliding his nose along my cheek, before biting me on my earlobe.

“Is this—”

“Ours,” he finishes my sentence for me. For the past few weeks, we’ve been living in the cabin he shares with Screwy. I figured that’s how it would be for a while, but turns out my man is full of surprises.

“Squealer!” I leap at him in excitement, my arms wrapping around his neck.

“Come on in.” He lifts me off my feet, opening the door and carrying me over the threshold like we’re newlyweds.

“I’ve been cleaning the place out for the past few nights. I put a whitewash on the walls but figured you’d wanna do the whole female thing and pick out colors.”

I take in the space around me, completely stunned. For a short while, this was Abby’s home, and now it’ll be where we bring our babies home to.

“I figured Abby would want us in her space, instead of some dirty-assed nomads. We’ll fill these walls with chaos, and she can get a front seat on the show in watching us try to handle this.” I sense he’s nervous about my reaction, but he has no reason to be.

“Did I tell you today that I loved you?” I wipe the tears from my eyes. It’s a fact I hate to admit, but I’ve turned into a complete sap these days. Ella tells me it's normal, but I’m finding it hard to handle.

“No, you didn’t, but it’s early, and you can show me how much, if you want.” He carries me into one of the bedrooms and places me on my feet. There are two matching cradles in the center of the room, and I immediately go to them and run my hands over the smooth wood.

“I took a woodwork course when I was doing time in El Paso, I figured it might come in handy, but I’ll be honest, I never saw it being for this.” Squealer shrugs, and I actually think he might be being serious.

“They're perfect.” I look up at him and try my best not to cry.

“Anything for my boys.” Squealer's hands slip around me to stroke the tiny bump under his T-shirt.

“Or girls,” I remind him. We know from the appointment we had last week that the babies are identical, but we both decided we didn’t want to know the sex. Turns out surprises work well for us.

“Nah, I got a sixth sense about it, darlin’. You're gonna have your hands full with Harrison boys.”

“Speaking of Harrison boys.” I turn in his arms and face him. “You sure Screwy’s gonna be okay with you moving out. It’s gonna be weird for him not having you around.”

“You kidding? Who’d ya think helped me get this place ready? We’re right next door. And do you really think he’d want to be kept awake at night by two screaming kids?” Squealer laughs a little nervously.

“We must be crazy.” I sigh, thinking about the sleepless nights and all the hard work it’s gonna take to raise two babies.

“Yeah, but it’ll be worth it.” He kisses me, and when I feel that familiar pull and undeniable flutter in my panties, I rub the palm of my hand against his cock.

“You know, since you had these babies inside you, you’ve turned into a hot mess.” Squealer growls as he snatches a fistful of my hair.
