Page 13 of Untamed Soul

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“Where’s our friend gone?” Troj tips his head over to where Alex had been sitting.

“I took care of it,” I assure them.

“What do you mean, you took care of it?” Jessie looks concerned.

“I thought I’d sweeten her up, so I bought her a lap dance.”

“You did what?” Troj laughs while Jessie blows out a breath and scrubs his hand over his face.

“That’s how we welcomed the last new deputy into town. I’m just keeping up the tradition.” I shrug back at their shocked faces.

We arrive back at the club an hour later and head straight for the bar. We’ve now got a new run to make for Rousseau, we’ll need to make it before the bad weather really sets in. Since it will probably be the last one we make for a few months, we’re taking a risk and making it a big one. Brax works as Road Captain these days—despite Skid being back—so he’ll need time to get his head together and figure out an itinerary.

The old ladies are gathered together on the table that, over time, they’ve somehow claimed as theirs, and I head in the opposite direction in need of a drink and some fucking pussy.

“Come join us?” Jessie calls out at me, and when I look over, I see that my letdown of a fuckin’ brother has already taken a position between Brax’s bitch Grace and Maddy. He looks so big between them it almost makes me chuckle to myself.

“Just getting a drink,” I call back, not really keen on the idea but going with it.

“Any chance of getting that drink?” I say sarcastically to Abby, who's got her eyes glued to her phone, her tongue poking out the corner of her mouth as she types. She looks up and gives me an awkward smile, before grabbing me a bottle of Jack and placing a bunch of glasses on the bar.

I join the others and clang the glasses onto the table. “Squeal paid for the lady cop to get a lap dance,” Jessie tells the group with that all-American boy grin he’s mastered, and a mixture of shocked stares and laughs bounce around the table.

“Did it loosen the uptight bitch up?” Brax asks, reaching over Grace's shoulder to pour himself a drink. I ignore his comment and the fact it makes me twitchy.

“She seemed nice enough to me.” Ella kicks her legs up onto the spare seat in front of her. “She lent me a quarter.” She shrugs her shoulders, acting like that makes Alex some kind of saint.

“You’ve spoken to her?” I check.

“Yeah, earlier today in the grocery store.” Ella shifts to try and get comfortable in her chair.

“And what did you talk about?” I question.

“You never told me that,” Nyx interrupts with a scowl.

“I didn't tell you because it wasn’t worth mentioning. We just spoke about normal stuff. She’s really embarrassed about what happened the other day.” Ella looks up at me and bites her lip awkwardly.

She may buy that shit, but I don’t. I sensed the fucking thrill she got from the power of bringing me into that station handcuffed.

“So she didn’t ask you anything about the club?” Jessie checks, suddenly looking very serious. VP likes to cover all bases.

“Nothing that really mattered. She asked if I had help with Dylan and the baby.” Her eyes drift up like she’s recalling the conversation in her head. “Then she asked me where Grimm hides all the bodies and where we keep the firearms.” She drops the dumb look off her face and laughs, and I release my breath and shake my head at her. “Seriously. She’s cool, it’s nice to have someone fresh in town. Roswell must be well into his nineties.”

“I agree with Ella. Alex is nice,” Shaniya pipes up from the corner where she’s sitting on Troj's lap. “She’s really making an effort to fit in. She even signed up for my book club at the library. My first member.”

“That’s awesome, darlin’,” Troj congratulates his old lady with a kiss on the cheek, and the pair stare at each other sickeningly.

“So she spoke to you too?” I’m starting to get more and more suspicious.

“Yeah, I went into the station this morning to pin up my notice about book club. We got introduced, and she asked if she could join,” Shaniya explains, her tone so full of excitement you’d never know the girl’s suffered hell.

“She did ask me one weird thing,” Ella says, suddenly looking thoughtfully.

All the guys draw their attention to her and wait on her next word.

“She asked if the club had any other people like Roswell helping out.” I feel each of my brothers tense.

“And what did you say?” Jessie leans in closer to the table.
