Page 39 of Untamed Soul

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“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Squealer.” She lets me down for the second time tonight, this time with a sad smile before she reaches up and presses her lips against my cheek.

I act on impulse, sliding my fist into that thick glossy hair and slamming her lips up onto mine.

I kiss her hard, so hard that I hope I bruise her lips, and when my fingers crush tight in her hair and I invade her mouth, she tastes of the whiskey chaser I set her up with before we left.

“Squealer.” She presses her tiny hands against my chest to push me away. “Don’t.” She looks up, shaking her head at me. It’s not a warning, it’s her begging me not to tempt her.

“You going shy on me, deputy?” I take her rejection the only way I know how, with humor.

“This is different, and you know it. Tonight was fun, but this has to end here.” Her words hit me hard. So hard that I suddenly feel the urge to turn and run. I need to get the fuck out of here because she’s right, this ain't me. Dates and dancing. Kisses on doorsteps. I need a fuckin’ reality check.

I nod in agreement, despite the something inside me that’s starting to hurt, as I step back off her porch and watch her open her front door.

“Hey, deputy…” I call out before I get in the car, and when she looks over her shoulder at me, I feel a real fucking crush of pain in my chest. “You make sure you lock the doors. There’s all kind of weird folk lurking around.” I smile at her, watching her shake her head and silently laugh back at me before slipping inside and closing the door behind her.

I drive Rogue’s car back to the club and head straight for the bar, deciding I need a drink and a mindless fuck to get that woman out of my system. It must be fucking singles night because only Tac, Screwy, Thorne, and Prez are here. Tawk is sitting at the bar, staring hard at Abby, and I can’t help wondering if the girl knows anything about Alex and why she’s in town.

“How’d the date go?” Thorne lifts his head to ask.

“News travels fast around here.” I snatch the bottle of Jack out of my brother's hand and knock it back.

“A word.” I lock eyes with Screwy, then gesture them over to the corner of the room, and he follows me without question.

“It’s been a while since we checked in on Mom. What d’ya say, we ask Prez if he can spare us for a few days so we can take a ride out.”

Screwy turns down his mouth and nods like that ain’t a bad idea. Speaking to Alex about family tonight’s got me feeling guilty for not seeing Mom often enough. She loves us boys through all our faults, and with only Auntie Claudette for company these days, it can’t be easy for her.

“I’ll speak to Prez, we can leave in the morning,” I tell him, making my way back to the table and pulling Prez next.

“You think you can spare me and Screw for a few days? It’s ‘bout time we checked in with Mom.”

“Can’t see why not.” Prez shrugs his shoulders and re-lights his cigar. “Heard you took the lady cop out tonight, is it a thing?” he asks me straight.

“Nah, just keeping an eye on her,” I assure him, already assessing the room for someone I can take upstairs and blow my balls out on to try and get her off my mind.

“Good, you and your brother take all the time you need. You could actually do me a favor while you're out that way. Burlusconi is looking to expand his caption area. Could do with you stopping by the Texas Charter and speaking to Nolan, ask him to put out some feelers.

“Sure thing.” I nod back, surprised that he’s trusting me with something so important. Prez likes to check in on the other Charters himself, especially when he’s bringing in new business.

“I’d ride out there myself, but with the baby so close to coming…”

“I got ya, Grandpappy.” I wink, slapping him on the shoulder before I make my way over to the bar to grab a drink.

“Eenie meeny miney mo,” I wave a finger between the bitches who are hanging out here tonight. Making sure my finger lands on Paige. The pretty little thing’s been here a while now. Girl’s got issues, that’s for sure. Her pink bobbed hair is just a distraction from a darkness that looms under the surface. But I like the fucked up ones. I like pretty fucked up ones even better.

She’s made it clear from the day she got here that her mouth is all she’s prepared to offer. I got my theories as to why her pussy’s off-limits, but none of them matter, not when she gives head the way she does.

“Hear you had a date tonight?” she asks me when I reel her in with my finger.

“You wanna know how it went?” I snigger, knocking back another drink.

“You wouldn’t have called me over here if it went well.” Paige smiles at me as I slide a hand through her bright pink hair and flick it off the end. A lot thought she wouldn't last around here, but she seems to have proved them wrong and stuck it out.

I wonder if Alex will stick around town after Hawker gets put to justice. If she’ll settle herself here in town right under my nose.

I wonder what she’s doing now. If she regrets not asking me in. If she’s even given me a second thought since I left. I can lie to Screw and Prez, but I can’t lie to myself. I’m not leaving for Dallas in the morning to check in on Mom; I’m leaving because I need space.

Everything in my gut tells me I should run in the opposite direction, but there's this niggle that has me on edge, the thought that I’m missing out on something. And it’s that niggle that has me abandoning Paige at the bar because suddenly, getting my dick sucked by a mindless whore don't seem so fucking appealing.
