Page 54 of Untamed Soul

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“Don’t pretend you're not into me.” I look back at him, daring him to lie. Why do I get the feeling I know this man better than he knows himself? He may be loud and obnoxious, but he hides his fears behind his façade, and I’m starting to believe I’m one of them.

“Oh, I’ll be into you. In about twenty seconds from now.” His hand slaps me hard on the ass before he squeezes it tight, and I quickly grab a donut out of the box and run for my bedroom. I don’t get far before I feel his strong arm wrap around my waist and drag me back against his solid chest, and I don’t even deny to myself that I want what I know is coming next.

“So, since I’ve taken myself off the market for ya, you gonna make me breakfast?” Squealer snaps the condom I made sure he put on, off and tosses it into the wastepaper basket like a pro.

“I just did all the work, you should make me breakfast,” I remind him before he pulls me back on top of him and rolls us over so his bare, still solid cock presses between us. Is it wrong that I want him all over again? That I'm actually thinking about making a doctor's appointment to get the shot so he can be inside me without anything between us?

“I like you so much better when you’re not being uptight,” he confesses. His cock slides between my pussy lips as he takes my bottom lip between his teeth. Then his hand reaches around my hips to squeeze my ass cheek in his fist, he seems to like doing that.

“Now, you gonna tell me what you really came to the club about last night?” he asks, and suddenly my heart starts to beat a little faster. Gently, I push him on his shoulder until he rolls off me, and then I gather the sheets up around me to cover myself. I can’t have this conversation while I'm exposed. I need him to take this seriously.

“I did come to tell you about the kids…”

“I spoke to Jessie last night. Maddy is already on it,” he assures me. “But there’s more than that, something you said about—”

“I came to suggest that we work together to find Hawker,” I blurt it out before I have the chance to change my mind. “I have information. The file my brother put together on Hawker's illegal activity, his involvement with known gangs, and the profits he made out of those alliances. I’ve gone over it so many times that I know it backward. I need fresh eyes and new information. Your club has been looking for him too, you must have something. If we put it together, we could have the complete picture.”

Squealer nods his head as if he sees my logic. “I’d have to speak to the club, this isn’t just my decision,” he tells me, suddenly being serious.

“I understand that. I also understand that they have every reason not to trust me, which is why…” I stretch over him into my top drawer and pull out the thick brown file. “…that’s everything I've got. The reason my brother’s dead. You can take it to Prez, and prove to him that I’m prepared to work with you.” I place the file on his tattooed chest and watch his eyes narrow in confusion.

“How do you know we won’t take this information and cut you out of the picture?” he asks, his eyebrows scrunching together in confusion. I take a deep breath before I answer that question.

“Because I’m trusting you, Cody Harrison.” I swallow my nerves back down my throat. This is the last play I have, and I pray he won't let me down. I’ve studied the club for a few weeks now. The way they treat the people they care about leads me to believe everything Roswell’s tried to convince me of. And the way Squealer’s looking at me now suggests I might be one of those people.

“Come here.” Squealer flicks his chin at me, his forehead creased like he’s thinking hard about something, and I climb back over him, letting the sheet slip off my body as my legs straddle his hips.

His huge hand snatches hold of my jaw, guiding me to his lips, and he kisses me hard with a passion that isn’t desperate or erratic, but almost meaningful.

The file slides off his chest, and paper and photos spill out onto my mattress. Neither of us cares as our bodies mash together again, and for a crazy second, I wonder if I’ll ever want to let him go.

All good things have to come to an end, and our end will come when we find the man that brought us together.

“So you’re asking us to work with the new deputy? The same new deputy who arrested you on her first day in town, and the one you’re fucking?” Tac looks across the table at me like I've lost my fucking mind. “Someone needs to lock this guy back up in that looney trap,” he chuckles, and I have to take a firm grip of my brother’s arm to stop him from launching across the table at him.

“She came here to find Hawker because he killed her brother. Danny Foster. And the reason he got killed was because he was putting this file together to bring Hawker down. Alex wants what we want,” I put it simply.

“Except she doesn't, does she?” Troj cuts in. “She wants him on trial, locked up. And I want him dead,” he points out.

“We can figure that out with her, but the fact of the matter is, if we make this a race to get to him first between her and us, she’ll win.”

“Don’t bet on it.” Brax digs his knife into the arm of his chair and twists it into the wood.

“Squeal’s got a point.” I’m surprised when Jessie has my back, Troj is his best friend. “We need the information she’s got. She proved she trusts us when she gave us that file, and the heads up on the kids on Foresters Hill.”

“There’s been plenty of times I've taken a leap of faith for your judgments,” I point out. “When we agreed to protect Maddy from the Bastards,” I look to Jessie, “When we rewrote club rules so Nyx could shack up with your daughter,” I flick my eyes over to Prez and ignore the way Nyx is glaring at me from the corner of my eye.

“Then there was the time we turned all FBI and took down an entire pedophile ring for your girl,” I turn my attention to Brax. “And don't even get me started on Rogue, she actually started a fucking war.” My head turns to Grimm, who chooses to look away. “Troj, you remember not so long ago when we all sat around this table and voted to help the Natives keep their land? Can you tell me you weren't so keen to have that vote pass because you weren't already hot for Princess Tiger Lily?”

“Point well made, Squeal,” Thorne interrupts.

“Yeah, well, I’m asking you all to take a leap of faith on me now. I know you don’t take me seriously, and I don’t blame ya for that, but on this one, I’m deadly fucking serious.”

“Admit you like the cop, and you got my vote,” Tac says cleverly, folding his arms and sitting back in his chair.

“We putting it to a vote?” I check with Prez, who frowns and nods back at me.

“I like the cop.” I stare back at Tac with a look that warns him this ain’t a challenge. He can’t use this against me because I ain’t ashamed of it. In fact, I want every fucker in this room to know that her pussy is off the table.
