Page 55 of Untamed Soul

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Tac smirks back at me before lifting his head in a yes.

“I second that,” Thorne adds, and his response is followed with nods and approvals from the others. Troj is the last to respond, and I move my head forward, looking around Grimm at him.

“Don’t make me regret this, Squealer,” he threatens before dipping his head to Prez, who slams down the gavel and seals the vote.

“You get whatever you got together and take it to Maddy. Jessie, Troj, and you work together on this. And Squealer, you make it clear to your girl that when we find Hawker, he gets our kind of justice.” I nod my head back at him, not even bothering to correct him on the ‘your girl’ crap.

“Jess, how’s Maddy doing with the Foresters Hill kids?” Prez continues.

“Descriptions aren’t much to go on, we could really use more information,” Jessie answers.

“I can talk to Alex, see if she can visit the old man again. Maybe I could go with her and check out where they’re using. There might be clues she missed,” I suggest.

Prez agrees, and within five minutes, we’re all piling out to get to work.

“Troj,” I hang back and call for him to join me on the bench outside the chapel.

“I was wondering if you’d mind me telling Alex about Shaniya.”

I watch his jaw clench and his body tighten. It can’t be easy for him, carrying that shit around. It ain’t something that heals like a bullet wound or a knife gash. Shaniya’s got her counseling, but I wonder what Troj does with all his anguish.

“Why?” he asks, focusing on the wedding ring he’s twisting around on his finger.

“‘Cause once we catch that fucker, and believe me when I say we will, I want her to understand why he can’t go to jail,” I explain, trying for once in my life to be tactful. I use humor a lot of the time, it ain’t called for here.

“You do whatever it is you need to do, Squeal.” Troj looks at me with a storm brewing in his eyes. “But I’ll warn you right now. When the day comes, and we have him, no one's gonna stop me making sure that fucker pays.” On that point, he stands up and leaves, heading across the yard to get on his bike.

I make my way back up to my cabin and grab the file that Alex trusted me with earlier this morning. Then I take all the information around to Jessie’s cabin so Maddy can work through it. Jess is already in the middle of briefing her.

“You want me to leave these here for you.” I hold up the file before placing it on their kitchen table.

“Yeah, I’ll get on to it right away. I’m not making much progress with these teenagers, though. And I’m getting kinda backlogged here.” She smiles up at me.

“Me and Squeal are gonna head out to the woods and see if we can pick up any new information on the kids. Concentrate on this for now.” Jessie kisses his old lady's forehead before giving me the nod to follow him out.

“Catch ya later,” I say goodbye to Mads and head out to join Jessie in the yard. He gets on his bike, and I make my way over to mine.

“I’m coming with you,” Nyx says when he pulls up beside us.

“Don’t you have some breathing exercises to be practicing?” I snort a laugh and even Jessie sniggers with me.

“Fuck you, Squealer. We already know who's supplying those kids. And me and him got unfinished business.”

“You think it’s Luke, after the warning he got last time?” Jessie looks doubtful.

“Luke seems to have the memory of a goldfish, but I’m happy to keep on reminding him.”

“Then saddle up, buttercup, we got ourselves a posse.” I toss my cigarette into the ground and rev my engine.

“You sure you're cool with leaving Ella? Foresters Hill is a good forty-five-minute drive?” Jessie tries to mock him, but it sounds much more like concern. Guess not everyone's got it like I have.

“She’s got Five weeks left. We’re good,” Nyx answers seriously.

When we arrive at Foresters Hill, we take our time to check out the site. It’s just like Alex described it. It’s obvious kids are using up here, but there's nothing we can use, no proof that Luke is the one supplying. And no one is more frustrated about that than Nyx. All this pregnancy crap is getting to him, he needs to let off some steam. Hell, since I decided to let Alex latch on to my every waking thought, I could blow some off myself.

“Fancy a gym sesh with me and Screw when we get back to the club?” I suggest.

“Shhhhh,” Jessie hushes us, and when I look through the trees toward our bikes, I see why.
