Page 59 of Untamed Soul

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“You’ve always got a place here. In fact, why don’t you stay here tonight? I have work early in the morning, but there's a spare room.”

Abby looks too tired to argue, emotions can be exhausting to overcome, and now that she's let all hers out, she needs to rest.

“You don’t know me all that well, and I don’t know you, but we’ll always have him to connect us. He’d want us to be friends.”

“Okay.” Her smile turns positive again, and where I’m not delusional enough to think it will be easy, I know Abby will be fine.

I’ll make sure of it.

“I’ll call Tawk and hit the sack if you don’t mind. It’s been a long time since I’ve gone to bed before midnight.” I look at the clock on the wall behind her and realize it’s past eleven. The evening has gone so quickly with her here.

“Sure, I’ll see you in the morning.” I give her a kiss on the cheek as I head into the kitchen to start clearing away and get ready to go to sleep myself. I’ve got another long shift tomorrow, and with all the extra work I'm doing at home to try and find Hawker, I’ve been exhausted lately.

The house is silent after Abby’s used the bathroom, and I’ve turned off the TV, carrying the two empty wine glasses into the kitchen. The knock at the door makes me jump, and I place down the glasses and cautiously take my gun out of the drawer before I make my way over to open it. Another loud rap against the wood has my heart beating fast. And I hold my gun low behind the door as I take a deep breath and slowly open it.

“Squealer.” My body relaxes when I see his wide grin and cocky stance on my porch. “Jesus Christ, I could have shot you.” I open up the door and put the safety back on my gun.

“Why are you answering your front door with a pistol, darlin’?” he asks, letting himself inside and snatching it out of my hands. He checks it over and impressively nods before he hands it back.

“I’m just a little on edge. I’ve been thinking about Hawker a lot lately,” I confess. I don’t care if that makes me sound weak anymore.

“It’s good to be on guard, kinda hot too.” His eyes drag over my body, and I roll my eyes before putting my gun back in its rightful place.

“Is there a reason for this late impromptu visit, or could you just not bear going all day without seeing me?” I tease sassily, as I carry on picking up the glasses and strutting into the kitchen. He follows behind me and spins me around after I’ve placed them in the sink.

I swear he just sniffed my hair.

“I came to invite you to the club.” We’re so close, with his body pressed into mine. Too close for me to concentrate on anything that he’s saying to me.

“Prez put it to a vote, and the club wanna work with you. Mads has been looking at what you gave us, and she thinks between the two of you, you might be able to make sense of it all.” His lips lower so they're almost touching mine.

“Sounds good, but I have work in the morning.”

“Ain’t you ever played hooky?” he raises a daring eyebrow at me.

“No. And I’m not about to start. I get off at three tomorrow. I could come by the club after then if Maddy’s free?”

“She’ll be free,” he assures me, licking his bottom lip when his eyes focus on my mouth.

“Was there anything else you wanted?” I ask, trying to bite down my smile. He looks hot tonight, with a tight white tee under his cut and ripped blue jeans.

“Let me think.” He looks up at my ceiling for a few seconds before he lifts me up onto the draining board and anchors my legs around his hips. His hand slides between my legs, and his fingers massage inside my yoga pants. I try to hold it in, but a tiny moan of relief escapes from my lips.

“Abby's in the spare room,” I warn him.

“Yeah, Tawk’s got himself all in a twist about it, he’s been parked outside most of the night,” he tells me, as he kisses along my jawline then bites down on my ear. This man does things to me that shouldn’t be possible, he makes me forget everything.

“You're bad for me,” I whisper as he forces my pants and panties off my hips. Loosening his belt, he lets his heavy cock fall against me, and the need to have it inside me grows deep in my lower stomach. With fumbling fingers, I reach behind him, into his back pocket where I know he’ll be carrying protection.

“You know if we’re making this a thing, you should see the doc,” he tells me as I stretch the rubber over his hard throbbing cock.

“I took care of it yesterday, went to the local GP, and got the pill.”

“So why are you gloving me up?” he asks, teasing me by slipping himself between my pussy lips, the head of his cock spreading me open and sending convulsions through my body.

“Because it takes seven days to take effect.” I move my hand to take him and guide him inside me, but he grabs my wrist and forces me away, pinning it to the cupboard above my head, then dipping his knees slightly so his cock lines itself up with my entrance. I have to grit my teeth to stop myself from begging.

“You feel that, don’t you? How fucking good we are.” He presses into me, just the tip, but enough to dull the ache inside me.
