Page 7 of Untamed Soul

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“No…” He spins around way faster than I expect, and I look up his wide chest, into those blue eyes that stare back hungrily. He wets his lips with his tongue before running his thumb over the bottom one before he smiles. “…Because this whole good little cop, bad boy biker thing is turning me the fuck on.” He leans in close enough to whisper, his breath touching the skin on my neck and making my hairs stand up.

“Fuck off,” I snarl, keeping the space between us close as I speak into his ear. Every part of me wants to land one on him, especially when he huffs a cocky laugh at me and struts out to join his friends.

I march straight into my office and slam the door behind me, taking a seat at my desk and switching on my computer. The old thing takes ages to boot up, and I sit back in my chair while I wait, tapping my nails on the desk surface. A Dirty Soul. Of all the men in the world I could have fucked that night, why did it have to be one of them?

Unlocking my desk drawer, I pull out the file that’s been my bible these past few months. It’s loaded with teasers of information that has led me to this town. When the log-in screen pops up on the monitor, I type in my password and wait for the screen to load. The guy is bound to have previous; you don’t become a member of the Dirty Souls by keeping your nose clean. I don’t know where to start, but in a sleepy town like Manitou Springs, where bikers keep the streets clean, it looks like I’ll have the time on my hands.

I ignore the temptation to look him up first. I don’t even know his name yet, but considering I’ve fucked, and now arrested him, I figure I have the right to know his background. Instead, I type a name I do know into the system, Abby Barnes. I doubt this system is any different than the one I’ve looked her up in before. The girl hasn’t got a criminal record, but if she’s under Souls’ protection, that means she’s also in their pockets, and that’s not a place a young girl wants to be. I’ve been in the business long enough to know how MC’s work. These boys may keep their noses clean in Manitou Springs, but that won't apply to anyone else's town. They move guns, drugs, and whatever makes them money. They treat women like whores, especially young and vulnerable ones like Abby.

My door knocks a few hours later, and Lucille walks in sheepishly. “I’m sorry I didn’t give ya the heads up about the club. Roswell wanted to test the waters with you first, a lot of his deputies have to get used to the dynamic. I wasn’t expecting you to arrest one on your first day.” She offers me an awkward smile and places a steaming mug on my desk.

“Thanks.” I smile back, letting her think I don’t hold grudges. I’ve rubbed enough people up on my first day.

She’s about to retreat to her desk, but I call her back.

“Lucille, the guy I arrested, what’s his name?” I try sounding casual.

“They call him Squealer.” She bats her eyelashes, suggesting she’s familiar with him in the same way I am.

“Squealer?” I repeat.

“Yeah, his twin’s known as Screwy, it’s a biker thing, most of them use road names—”

“I know all about biker gangs, Lucille,” I assure her, giving her an expression that hints she’s outstaying her welcome.

“Sure ya do.” She smiles before creeping out the door and leaving me in peace.

I swing in my chair and try to talk myself out of searching him in the system, it isn’t worthy of my cause. But I did sleep with the man. Surely that gives me the right to at least know his proper name.

I type in the name and hit enter before I can tell myself I’m pathetic. And when nothing comes up, I take a calming breath. Taking out my cell phone, I place it on my desk. The little information I had on the Souls before I arrived, I’d obtained by breaking into the archives using my father's key card. Of course, I’d been unable to take anything with me, but I’d photographed the list of names associated with the Colorado Charter.

Jimmer Carson was top of the list. The club President, not just of the Colorado Charter but a founding member who has the highest rank in the entire club. I’ve done enough research to know that much already.

I scroll down the photo of the list of names on my phone until I find the one I’m looking for, Cody ‘Squealer’ Harrison.

Cody. The name kinda suits him, and when I type it into the system and his mugshot flashes in front of me, I still can’t help finding the man attractive… I just can’t let it be a distraction.

“What the fuck was all that about?” Brax is still raging when I step outside and calmly light up a smoke.

“Guess we just figured where our new deputy’s head’s at.” I shrug.

“First day in town, and she got you in handcuffs!” He throws his cigarette into a puddle and starts heading toward his bike.

“What was with your bro back there?” I ask Brax. “He lost his shit at the kid we caught dealing like it was personal.”

“The kid used to make trouble for Ella when they were at school. Remember that time Nyx did in county?” He takes his saddle. “Luke Robinson’s the reason for it. He’s also the mother fucker who got Abby hooked.” Brax squeezes his hands together like he needs something to occupy them.

“Well, at least we found ourselves a reason to nail the little fucker, dealing in our town comes with consequences,” I remind him.

“You’re right, Nyx is stressing his head too much over all this pregnancy shit. He could do with an outlet,” Brax agrees.

“What was the hurry earlier? He just upped and left. Everything okay with Ella?”

“Yeah, she was helping Marilyn clear out the kitchen ready for Tommy to decorate and just got a little dizzy. Marilyn panicked and called him. Gracie messaged me, she’s fine.”

“I don’t know why you fools put yourself through it.” I roll my eyes before I start making the short walk back to the studio to get my bike.

Nyx is already in the yard when I get back to the club. He’s tense and pissed off as fuck.
