Page 104 of Tortured Soul

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“Does he really think I’d be leaving you here if this place wasn’t safe? Nah, I ain’t buying that, Alex. There’s more to it.”

“Squealer, please, you need to focus on what you’re doing out there, or you’re gonna get hurt.”

“Don’t stress. I'll be fine. I’m just worried about Screw. I’ll be home by the morning. All this shit will be over, and I’m gonna eat your pussy for breakfast.” My stomach does a pathetic little flip when he kisses me. Being pregnant has turned me into a hormonal, emotional wreck, not to mention a sex-crazed lunatic.

“You gonna miss me?” He nudges me with his shoulder, and the smirk he gives me never fails to make me want to jump his bones.

“I’ll miss your cock.” I snigger, refusing to go too soft on him. We can't have shit going to his head.

“Did I mention that I fucking love pregnant you?” He takes my bottom lip between his teeth and bites down almost hard enough to draw blood.

“No, I recall you telling me you couldn’t stand pregnant me last time we had a fight, and you yielded defeat when I started crying,” I remind him.

“Babe, we were arguing over a tootsie roll. There was no need for tears.”

“I take food very seriously these days.”

“And so you should!” He furrows his brow at me, at least pretending to understand. His palm slides over my stomach, and when one of the babies reacts to it, he smiles to himself.

“I want Screw to have this,” he looks up from his hand, his smile turning sad. “I wish he’d just go easy on himself and let himself be happy.”

“Me too.” I place my hand over Squealer’s and feel our babies fidget. “I swear these hormones are rubbing off on you. Now, get out of here before you sprout a vagina.” I shoo him away and laugh, even if it is just a small one. I know how worried he’s been about Screwy lately. He can feel him spiraling and doesn't want to see him the way he did when they were teenagers again.

“Take care of my boys.” He kisses me one last time.

“Or girls,” I correct, for the thousandth time. We know the babies are identical, the same as he and Screwy are. So it will only be one or the other. Squealer’s desperate for boys, but I know he’d love two little girls just the same.

“I’ll call you when we get to Gunnison.” He ignores me, heading over to his bike and waiting for Prez's signal to ride out. I stand and watch the bikes pull out of the gates with the other girls, and just before we move back inside, Maddy comes to stand beside me.

“He’s not handling this well, is he?” She's still staring at the prints the tires have made on the ground. Jessie didn’t even give her a proper goodbye, just an arrogant nod like all the club brothers give each other. I’m really starting to hate him for what he’s putting her through.

“He’s worried about Screwy. I am too. But I’m worried about Lydia more. She wasn’t sure about what to do with her parents. It sounds like that decision was taken from her.”

I’m sure Screwy had good intentions in taking her home, but the way he’s gone about it is really gonna set her back. She wasn’t ready to visit her old life. She’d told me that herself. And she was really starting to fall for Screwy. If I knew what he was planning, I’d have done everything I could to stop him.

“You wanna get some work done? I know we can’t go to the office, but we have our laptops here, and we can lock ourselves away in the members-only bar. Prez said we could use it while they’re gone, and I swear if I get one more nasty look from Marcie, I’ll go Rogue on her.”

“Maddy Summers, what’s gotten into you?” I tease. Maddy is beyond doubt, the sweetest person I know. I can’t imagine her raising her voice at another person, let alone causing them physical harm.

“It’s me and Jess. I hate it. And I can’t help wondering if he’s been… you know.” She bites her lip and blushes.

“Sleeping with one of them?” I finish her question for her. “Mads, don’t pretend you don’t know he’s been sleeping in his truck outside your cabin since he’s been back in town, because I won’t believe you. I don’t know what the fuck he’s doing, but it certainly ain’t them.”

“It’s gotta be resolved soon, though, right?” She looks unsure.

“You’re right. We need a distraction. Let’s get to work.” I wrap my arm around her shoulder and guide her back into the clubhouse. It’s times like these I really miss fucking drinking.

The business is still getting its feet on the ground. We’ve only had a few clients, and nothing too interesting yet, mainly just account discrepancies. But we’re thorough in what we do, and we’re about three documents short of proving to Ron Sutton that his prediction was right and his son-in-law is stealing from the family business.

Maddy's doing her thing on the big wide web, and I’ve just got off the phone with Mr. Sutton to give him an update. None of this has taken my mind off Lydia, though. I’d grown close to her while she stayed with us, and I’ve seen exactly the same as what Squealer has. She has the potential for Screwy to live a happy life.

I can imagine how awful it must have been for her parents. My little ones aren’t even here yet, and I already love them enough to know that if I lost them, my heart would be eternally broken.

These past years must have been torture for them both, not knowing if their daughter was alive or dead. Waiting for the phone to ring or the door to open and for her to walk through it. It makes a cold feeling wash over me, thinking about it.

“You okay?” Maddy looks up from her screen with a concerned look on her face.

“Yeah, I’m good. I’m just thinking about something.”
