Page 112 of Tortured Soul

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“I’ll keep trying Brax, but you know what they’re like. They never answer when they’re riding.”

Grace waits while I drive through, and we both cover the trail back up so it’ll go unnoticed before we move down the bumpy, uneven track that leads to her cabin.

Grace and Brax's home is in the perfect location to hide. The tall trees shelter the cabin, and we’re miles away from any of the main roads. I know we are safe here. But I can’t help feeling nervous as we all pile inside and put down our bags.

“Make yourself at home,” Grace smiles sadly at us all.

“I’m not doing anything until you tell me what’s going on.” Rogue crosses her arms over her chest stubbornly. I quickly type the name of the mansion in Peyton into my phone and manage to get a zip code, which I send straight to Screwy.

“Okay.” I take a deep breath and look at the worried faces in front of me. Alex is still trying Squealer without any luck.

“Lydia’s in trouble. Screwy took her back home to her family, and it turns out her family wasn’t who we thought they were. As far as we know, Verretti has her again.”

Ella and Shaniya both exchange a worried look when they hear the news.

“And that’s where the boys are heading now. They’ll bring her back, right?” Shaniya says optimistically, and I have to shake my head. “Where the boys are heading isn’t where Verretti is. He threw breadcrumbs, and we followed them. He knows what the club has been doing, that Screwy took Lydia, and he’s coming to take us down.”

“Which is why we’re here?” Rogue looks pissed.

“Yeah. We just have to sit it out. We’ll keep trying to get hold of the men and pray that Screwy gets to Lydia before anyone can hurt her.” I try reassuring everyone. Positivity is key in situations like this.

“You know that’s a piss poor plan, right?” Rogue laughs and I try so hard not to snarl. She loves getting a reaction out of me.

“You got a better one?” I smile because I’m a strong believer in killing cruelty with kindness.

“Yeah, I got a better plan.” She stares at me as if I’m the mental one. “We go and get her ourselves. Peyton is like, what, an hour from here.”

“Forty-five minutes, actually.” I take pleasure in correcting her.

“Who knows how long it will be before the boys pick up their phones, and you said yourself, Screw is a long way off. You have the address, don’t ya?”

“Yeah, I have the address, but—”

“Great, the kill train leaves in five. Be on it.” Rogue takes out her gum, presses it into the base of Grace’s table lamp, and starts to rummage through her bag.

“Wait… You want us to go and take down the organization?” Grace takes her wide eyes off the gum and focuses them on what Rogue’s doing.

“Well, it’s either that, or we leave Lydia with them. And I don’t think they’re gonna be all that happy when they realize she cashed her V card in for the bad biker experience. They sure as hell won’t have anything to be respectful of.”

Shaniya looks uncomfortable, and I shake my head at Rogue for not being more sensitive. She’s too busy pulling the AK out of her bag to notice, though.

“Wow, cool,” Dylan shouts out, and Ella quickly guides the excited boy behind her back.

“What you sayin’, boss? You wanna go all-girl power with me and take down an organization?” Rogue looks up at me as she slings the strap over her shoulder.

“I um…” Crazy as her plan sounds, I can kinda make sense out of it. When I think about Lydia and all she must have been through, it makes me shudder.

“I’ll go.” Shaniya shocks everyone when she steps forward.

“Don’t all look at me like that. I want to help,” she says bravely.

“You do realize that—”

“That there will be men there that like to hurt women,” Shaniya finishes Grace’s sentence for her. “Yeah, I know, and I want to stand against them. I want to help Lydia.”

“Great, Shaniya’s up for some killing. We can call it reflective therapy.” Rogue throws a sarcastic grin in Grace’s direction.

“Anyone else. How about you, preggers?” She turns her attention to Alex, who’s still frantically trying to get hold of Squealer.
