Page 116 of Tortured Soul

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She tilts her head and stares straight back at him, then giggles like an insolent school girl.

“Do you want to tell me what you find so amusing?” he asks her.

“I was just thinking about how good you’re gonna look when I fuck your throat with Kristian over there’s, dick.” She somehow makes savagery sound seductive as her head gestures toward the guard, who’s making his way over to Maddy.

“Well, that's coincidental because I was just thinking about how helpless you’re gonna look when I’m fucking you with mine.” He smiles at her sarcastically before looking to Maddy.

“You will help Marco with what he needs,” he warns her, then nods for his guard to take her away. She doesn’t struggle, but she looks petrified as she’s dragged from the room. I cry for her and the girls lined up beside me as Raphael turns his attention back to us all.

“Now, which one of you belongs to Brax Marshall?” he asks, his eyes focused on Grace like he knows the answer to his own question. “I know it’s you, little Gracie,” he smiles at her. “I just wondered if anyone else wanted to have a play at heroics.” He steps closer to her and wets his lips.

“You know, I’ve ordered Murray's crew to bring your man to me alive,” he taunts her, and when I glance to my side to check on Shaniya, her eyes are closed, and she’s gently rocking herself. She’s taken herself to a different place, somewhere where no one can hurt her. I know because I’ve taken myself there so many times before.

I’m shocked she’s even here after all she’s suffered. She barely knows me, and yet she’s putting herself through this hell to save me.

“I plan to make him watch while every man here takes a turn on you,” Verretti continues to taunt Grace.

“Your brother deserved to die. Brax just served the justice,” Grace tells him bravely.

“I can see why your men value you all so highly, rare beauties, don’t you think?” he asks the guard standing closest to him.

“None of you are to touch them. Not yet.” He grins at us. “Pablo, call Murray and his crew back from Manitou Springs. It turns out we have all we want right here.” He marches out of the room, and I look at the girls surrounding me, tied and helpless, all because they came here to save me.

And all I can do is hope that Screwy will come like Maddy said he would.

I pull into the compound and see bikes lined up outside the clubhouse. But they don’t belong to the brothers from my Charter. Levi, Utah’s VP, meets me at the door when I get out of the cage. I don’t stop to talk, barging past him into the foyer. He follows behind me as I crash through the doors into the club and head straight for the armory.

“The girls are at the safe place. They left about two hours ago,” he assures me, and I nod my understanding as I bust open the padlock and start loading up.

“What’s the plan, brother? Need me to round up the other Charters?” Someone must have clued Levi in on what's going on, which is good because I haven’t got time to explain.

“The boys are on their way back. When they get here, send a few my way. Maddy got the address.”

I was just as brief in my explanation when I managed to get hold of Tac. He’d pulled off to take a slash, and when I realized they wouldn’t be able to get to Lydia any faster than I would. I told him it was vital for them to get back here and prepare for an attack. Then I made the cage shift a little faster to get me here.

I check that I have enough ammo before marching back out to the yard. There are more weapons in the vestry over in the chapel. Enough for the brothers to protect the club.

I can’t think straight right now. All I can focus on is getting Lydia back.

A loud rumble comes from the track. It looks like backups arrived a lot sooner than I expected. One by one, the bikes park up, and Jessie hops off his saddle and marches over, looking murderous.

“We came straight back when Tac told us. Who’s with the girls?” He looks at Levi.

“Your Prospect.” Levi instantly puts his mind at rest.

“What do you need?” Jessie shifts his eyes to me.

“I’m right there with you, brother.” Squealer fists my cut and drags me in for a hug.

“I need to get her back.” I tense my fists so tight I swear I could bend the metal of the gun in my hand.

“The girls are safe at Brax’s, and we got enough manpower here,” Jessie assures me. “Me, you, and Squeal will load up a cage and hit the road. There won’t be many men at Verretti’s mansion. Not if they’ve got an attack planned here.”

“I’ll go grab ya some weapons.” Troj winks, slapping me on the back as he and Tac rush inside for more supplies.

“Grimm and Nyx, you go check in on the girls. Skid, Thorne, and Brax, you’re staying here with me. No one takes my fuckin’ club,” Prez commands.

We’re all on high alert when a car comes flying up the track. It skids to a halt, and Tawk’s dark skin is pale as he rushes toward us.
