Page 119 of Tortured Soul

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“If you mean your tech girl, she’s through there,” he points toward the room he was just leaving with his head.

“Thanks.” I grin at him. I don’t have time to weigh up which way to kill him would be most satisfying. I go for the quickest, most effective method and shoot him between his eyes before going in pursuit of Maddy.

My blood singes under my skin when I creep inside and find her on the desk, her legs being spread open by a guard who’s trying to force himself between them. Her hands are tied behind her back, and there’s something stuffed in her mouth to stop her from screaming. I watch her eyes widen when she notices me, and I shake my head at her and press a finger to my lips.

“I don’t care what Verretti says–you’re too pretty not to fuck,” the guard tells her, shoving his pants down over his hips. I creep up behind the fucker who thinks he stands a chance of taking what’s mine. A bullet would be too good for this asshole, so I take out my knife.

“You can break through the spyware after I’ve fucked this pretty little pussy,” he tells my girl, fumbling to find his cock.

I move fast, fisting his hair and pulling his head back, then slicing my knife blade right across his throat. His blood sprays onto Maddy, ruining her pretty blonde hair and staining her pale skin. It flows between my fingers as he breathes his final breath, and I toss his limp body out of my way, taking his place between her thighs.

She looks more shocked than petrified, which surprises me. Maddy should know what the consequences of hurting her would be.

How the hell have I gone so long without this woman? Why have I tortured myself by keeping us apart? Her shock turns to relief, her chest rising and falling to keep up with her rapid breathing.

She tries to mumble something against the gag in her mouth, and when I look down between us, I realize these fuckers made a gag out of her panties and feel the urge to kill all over again.

I rip them out of her mouth, my fingers leaving a bloody trail on her face as they slide down to rest around her neck.

“Jessie,” she whispers my name with such relief, and it ain’t because I saved her. It’s because she’s missed me.

I know because I’ve suffered the same pain. She don’t care that I got another man’s blood on my hands, just so long as they ain’t denying her. She struggles to free her hands because she wants to touch me. She wants comfort. She needs me to hold her and tell her she’s safe now.

But I’m too fucking mad at her, and she looks far too fucking pretty. Seeing her like this reminds me of the time I had her tied up in my basement. When she was trying so hard to be strong. In reality, I was the weak one, and that’s how I’ve been feeling ever since we’ve been apart.

Maddy Summers is the bane of my life, but I can’t be without her. I've tried. Hell, I’ve tried, but I’m lost without her.

“Do you have any idea how mad I am at you?” I use the fingers I have on her throat to drag her closer to me. Tears run down her face, and there’s still a trace of fear in her eye. I love this woman with every part of my soul, but I’m still the sick bastard who finds that hot as sin.

“I’m sorry, but I had to—” she tries explaining, but I silence her, my other hand slamming over her mouth.

“If I had come through that door just a few seconds later. He would have had his cock inside you.” My eyes flick over to the dead man on the floor, and Maddy nods against my hand, her tears sliding through my fingers.

“Do you know how crazy the thought of that makes me?” I ask, sliding my hand away from her mouth and squeezing her thigh in frustration instead.

She bites her bottom lip the way she always does when she’s nervous, her head continuing to nod at me.

“Right now, I’m crazy mad, Maddy,” I warn her as calmly as I can. My mouth nearing hers and then diverting to her jawline. I’m sure my brothers could use my help, but right now my need to be inside her outweighs that.

“Was this a punishment? Were you trying to teach me some kind of fucked up lesson?” I whisper against her skin.

“No, Jessie. Lydia was in trouble…” Maddy tells me desperately, pulling her head back and trying to seek my mouth out with hers.

“Because it fucking worked.” I stare back at her and let her feed on my hurt. “When I heard that you’d come here and put yourself in danger, I thought my heart was gonna stop beating. And when I walked in here and saw that fucker…” I can’t even finish the god damn sentence.

“I get it, Maddy. I get what I do to you. I get the worry I put you through. I…”

“No Jessie,” she interrupts me. “…I get it.” her tone is firm and shocks the life out of me.

“When I found out that Lydia was in danger, something came over me, and there was no way I wasn’t gonna come here and get her out of it.”

“Maddy, you can’t just—”

“No, you listen to me now. You walked out on me because you were mad at me for keeping something from you, and I get that. But you never gave me a chance to explain what I said after. I love you, Jessie. I love you because of who you are, and I don’t need any protection from it. Yes, I worry, and sometimes I get scared, but I can’t let that stop us from living our lives and having a future. I fucking get it, okay? Now stop all this bullshit and take me home.”

“I’m still crazy fucking mad at you.” I manage a smirk for her, and she smiles back at me so beautifully I wonder what I ever did so right.

“Not as mad as you were at him.” She looks down at the man who nearly fucking raped her and snorts a cute little laugh.
