Page 15 of Tortured Soul

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“We’re still connected… Screwy, what are you doing? That isn't Riley?” I ignore Maddy and focus on the other woman's voice.


Fuck. I’m getting close to our limit, and the bids are coming fast.

The girl stands shivering out of fear. I can’t stand it. And the urge to be her savior has me pressing the button again.

“Screwy, this is Prez speaking. I command that you stop pressing that fucking button. That's a fucking order, ya hear?” He sounds pissed as hell, but he can’t be seeing what I’m seeing, not if he expects me to leave this girl behind. She’s too vulnerable. She won’t survive the things these sick bastards do to girls like her.


I press the button again and hold my head in my hands, using the last of what we have, and wait nervously.


Here it is, the moment of truth. The girl's tears are flowing faster now, the sorrow in her eyes sinking deeper into my chest and settling heavy.


My heart plummets into my stomach as I look on helplessly at the broken girl clutching at her lace panties like they're a lifeline. I’ve failed her, the same way I did Beth.

“Thank fuck for that, Screwy. What the hell got into you?” Jessie breathes a sigh of relief, and I rip the device out of my ear and crush it in my palm. The money keeps rising, way higher than it did for any of the other girls, and it crushes me to think that the girl will never know that I tried.

That someone wanted to save her from what she’s about to endure. The bidding finishes at $720,000, and I wonder which booth contains the man who set the highest price on destroying what’s left inside the girl.

“Tonight’s auction is now finished. For privacy protection, please wait for your host to collect you from your booth and escort you out,” the overhead voice politely requests, as a burly guard enters behind the girl and snatches her arm. She cowers as he drags her back through the door, and I want to tear the head off his neck for how rough he is with her tiny frame.

I stay seated, tapping my foot hard on the floor while I debate what to do next. I could leave here, try to blank the vision of her from my memory. Though something tells me that won’t be possible. She’s made too much of an impact in too short a time for me to be capable of that. This leaves me with only one other choice, on my own and unarmed. It's dangerous, but I know I’ll only torture myself if I don't try.

Nothing could have prepared me for how humiliating being in the silent, dark room would be. The guard had to throw me through the door after I froze from fear, and although I couldn’t see them, I felt the eyes staring at me through the glass. It seemed like I was in the room for an eternity before I finally got dragged back out of it. Naked and clutching tight to my panties.

I pray I’ll have the chance to put them on as soon as this ordeal is over. It felt so exposing being under the light, knowing that I was being watched by strangers and that now one of them was my new master. There’s an optimistic part of me that hopes the man who purchased me will be kind. Maybe he’s just lonely or sees himself as undesirable. Maybe he thinks this is the only way he can find someone. I can get through whatever is coming next if I’m treated with kindness.

The guard takes me back to the room where I was being held before the auction started and throws me inside before locking the door again. I quickly pull the panties over my ankles and wriggle them back into place. Somewhere on the way back I lost my dress, and although panties aren’t a lot, at least it's something to cover me while I await my fate.

It's only a matter of minutes before the key rattles, and the door opens again. The man standing in the frame is much older than I imagined, and he glares at me in a way that insinuates he’s anything but kind.

I look away, focusing on the tiled floor as he enters the room and closes the door behind him.

“Your trainer was right. You are very biddable.” He steps close enough for me to see his shiny shoes toe to toe with my bare feet.

“Look at me. I want to see you properly,” he orders, and I automatically raise my head for him. He has a chubby face, with long, deep creases on his forehead. The thin gray hair he’s holding on to are slicked back over his head, and he reeks of aftershave.

“You’re a pretty little thing.” He grips my chin and adjusts my head so he can examine me at different angles. “I paid a generous amount of money for you. You’re going to make it worth every cent, aren't you?”

Slowly and out of fear, I nod my head, and he rewards me with a tap on the cheek.

“I have a present for you.” He smirks proudly, and when I glance down between us and notice the black metal object in his other hand, I can’t hold the tears back despite how hard I’m trying.

He raises the thick black collar and clasps it around my neck, making sure I feel him hard against my stomach as he presses against me and fixes it behind me.

“There… Perfect.” Standing back, he admires me.

“I’m gonna take my time with you, pet,” he promises with a smile so demonic it turns my bones cold.

“Come… it’s time for us to leave.” He clips a chain to the collar I’m wearing and wraps it a few times around his hand before he tugs me forward. My feet remain rooted to the ground. I don’t want to go with him. I don’t want to be his pet and I pray to God, or any higher power, to do something to save me.

There’s no warning before it comes, just a hard, sharp sting when the back of his heavy hand catches my cheek. I gasp and fall onto my knees, raising my hand to touch where his signet ring has struck me.
