Page 36 of Tortured Soul

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“You wanna go straight to bed?” I ask when we step back inside my cabin, and her wide yawn answers my question.

“Thank you for letting me go tonight. The girls here are really nice, and it was kind of Alex to lend me some more clothes.” She suddenly looks regretful. “Not that there was anything wrong with the clothes you gave me. I love them. It’s just, they…” Her cheeks turn pink, making her even more beautiful.

“Goodnight, Lydia,” I offer her a tiny smile that I’m hoping will put the poor girl out of her misery. She’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever encountered, and it makes the job of resisting her real fuckin’ hard.

“I like it when you call me that.” She twists on her heels playfully.

Holy Fuck!

“It makes me feel like I’m a real person like there’s a chance I could actually be her again someday.”

One side of my mouth lifts into a lop-sided smile because it feels fucking good inside to make her happy, and I head out to the deck for a smoke before I start getting any dumb-ass ideas. Like her and me being an outcome of all of this.

I check in on her when I pass her door on my way to my room, and when I see she’s already asleep, I decide to try to get some myself.

It’s still dark when I wake up. I heard some bikes rumble home ages ago, but it’s not them that causes me to stir this time. This is the sound of pain, and when I roll over, I’m not even surprised when I see Lydia on my floor. She’s asleep but is fidgeting, the long hair sticking to her skin, and the distorted look on her face has my chest pounding.

“No, please! I don’t wanna go back.” She thrashes, and I feel a cord in my heart snag. There's no one here to make her feel better. Only me. She crept in here to be close to me because I make her feel safe.

I can relieve her of the pain she’s suffering. I just got to be brave enough to reach out and allow myself to be that person for her.

I did it when I decided to take her from those people. I can do it again now.

I know the consequences. I’m already too invested, and it’s gonna hurt like hell when I lose her. But right now, nothing's gonna stop me from making her hurt go away.

She grips at her hair and starts to sob, and I quit wasting time going over the reasons why this is a bad idea and climb out of bed to slide on the floor beside her.

I gather her tiny, shaking frame in my arms and hold her as tight to my chest as I can get her. Her body is slippery and clammy from sweating– and yet she’s freezing cold. Her eyes shoot open, and when she stares up at me, she looks shocked and fucking relieved all at the same time.

“You're always saving me,” she whispers sleepily. Her big eyes stare into mine as if I’m some kinda messiah, and I press my hand into the back of her head, forcing her to rest her cheek on my chest so it spares me from looking into them a second longer. They’re too trusting. They almost make me forget who I am and the things I’ve done.

Reaching up, I pull the comforter off my bed so it covers us. It doesn’t take long for her heart to stop thumping so erratically and her chest to rise and fall in unison with mine.

Eventually, the shaking stops too, and her body starts to warm. I wait until she’s sleeping again before I allow myself to appreciate her fully. Her hair smells like my body wash. She’s wearing nothing but her bra and panties, and it’s not until dawn finally breaks, filling the room with light, that I allow myself to fall asleep. With her skin on mine and her arms snuggled around me for the first time in so long, I don’t feel the black hole inside me.

I feel whole.

I wake up to the sweetest humming sound and almost leap out of my skin when I realize that I’m on the floor of my room. Lydia’s now snuggled with her back against my chest, and there's a very fucking hard cock wedged between us.

I scramble quickly onto my feet, and it wakes her with such a start that her eyes get a face full of my cock for a wake-up call.

“Shit!” Yeah, I said that out-motherfuckin’-loud.

After all this girl has been through, she trusts me, and this is a fuckin’ result of it.

“Morning.” She looks up at me, past my morning wood, with those bright eyes like it doesn't even phase her.

“I’m sorry. It’s...” I start trying to explain, but like always, words fuckin’ fail me.

“I know how to make it go away.” She smiles brightly, rising to sit on her knees, so her eyes are now fully in line with the huge tent I've made out of my underwear.

With her looking up at me through her lashes and rubbing her lips together, I have to close my eyes and do everything I can to make the invitation not seem appealing.

It’s a lost cause, of course. I want her mouth on my dick. I want it fucking everywhere, even on my lips.

But it’s not ethical, not after all she's been through. This isn’t her seducing me–this is her doing what she's been trained to do.

“No, no.” I look up at the ceiling and hope that if there is a fucking man upstairs, he’s watching this moment and considering giving me an upgrade on where I’m headed when my time is over.
