Page 88 of Tortured Soul

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“Tac?” Brax looks to him next, waiting for an answer.

“Let's get fucking wet,” he answers back sarcastically, shoulder barging Squealer to pick up the AK that's resting against the tree.

Brax looks at Grimm next.

“Come on; you know how hot your bitch gets when you go home all covered in blood,” Squealer encourages him.

“I’m in.” Grimm shakes his head at Squeal and tosses the cigarette he’s smoking at the ground.

“You coming, kid?” Brax checks with Storm, who's already waiting with a 9mm in his hand.

“Okay, same rules apply. We go in, we take the supply, and this time we take Kenny too. No one has to die.” Brax looks at me and Squealer particularly.

Ironic, considering he’s probably got more kills under his belt than all the men standing here put together.

“But that’s not to say they can’t get roughed up a little,” Squealer sticks out his tongue like he’s a fucking Viking about to raid.

Brax shakes his head and continues to explain the plan. “Thorne, Tac, and me will take the front door. Squealer, Screw, you get in through the back.”

“Wait, how come we always get the back door?” Squealer interrupts again.

“Never heard you complain about going in through the back before.” Tac shows Squealer his teeth.

“Storm and Grimm, you cover the windows at the side. Grimm, you get us a confirmation on the numbers. We’ll move on your signal,” Brax instructs.

“Gotcha.” Grimm nods, spinning the baseball cap he’s wearing so it’s backward.

“Let’s go.” Brax leads us forward, a powerful force in his stride. As we split out into our groups, we keep low as we approach the building and spread out to take our positions.

I’m crouched under a window by the back door, my brother mirroring me on the other side of it. I move slowly to take a peek through the window while he braces himself for the action we thrive on.

I can’t see much of what’s going on in there. There’s a wall blocking most of my vision, but I can see half of Kenny, and it looks like he’s mad. His arms are stretched and tense like he’s shaking the life out of someone.

“I like Lydia.” Squealer chooses this fucking moment to tell me that, and I stare across at him in confusion.

“Relax, not like that. I’m a one-woman man now. I’m just saying… I like her. I think she’s good for you.”

“Thanks for your approval,” I tell him blankly, taking another glance inside the building. Kenny is definitely angry. He’s holding one of his men up against the wall. Now’s the perfect time to strike.

“Which is why you can’t let her go back to her family,” Squealer refuses to give up.

“Now’s not the time for a heart to heart, shut up, or we’ll miss the signal.”

“We’ll miss it anyway. Grimm whistles like a little girl,” Squeal points out.

“I want you to hear me out because I know you don’t think you deserve her. And you're feeling guilty for not wanting her to have her old life back because you wanna keep her in this one. But Screw, she’s done something to ya. She makes you fucking happy. I feel like she’s given me my brother back.” I look across at him, my face set like stone, while my insides clench. All these years, Squealer’s stuck by me, and I’ve given him nothing back.

A subtle whistle cuts through the silence, and my brother’s lips turn up into the same lopsided smile he always makes just before shit’s about to go down.

“Ain’t no business like Soul business,” he winks at me, stretching onto his feet, and with a determined, feral expression on his face, he kicks the back door open, clearing a path for me to enter.

Everyone in the room who isn’t a Soul looks panicked, confirming that this was not a trap, and we hold the upper hand. Someone comes at me from my left, and I immediately knock them down when I fling my arm out to block them. Brax has already set to work. He’s crouched over one of the men and laying his knuckles blow by blow into his face.

We can’t have been in here more than a few seconds, and already Brax’s face is splattered with blood. Tac’s got one of the guys pinned to the wall while Thorne turns the place upside down, looking for the cash and stash.

Kenny looks petrified, cowering in the corner like a rat with no exit as I approach him.

“I know who you are,” he stutters, pinning himself to the wall.
