Page 1 of Stolen Soul

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“Don’t go anywhere.” Liam gives me his best attempt at warning eyes before he takes the knife he sleeps with under his pillow and slides it into his belt. Making sure his hoodie is covering it over, he climbs out the tent and slides into his boots.

“Where you going?” I scowl back at him. Just lately he’s been taking on more risky jobs. There was a time that he’d let me go with him. He’d never admit it, but no one can hotwire a car faster than I can.

“I won’t be long, just stay in the tent, and stay out of trouble.” He points his finger at me before backing away toward the car that’s pulled up in the distance. It’s loaded up with kids around his age, and I watch him leave with a heavy sigh before doing as I’m told and retreating back into our tent.

I got no business feeling sorry for myself. Yeah, it’s boring as shit being stuck here alone, but I’m lucky to have a brother like Liam. Ever since we ran away from dreary Dana and her eye-wandering husband, Ray, Liam has worked tirelessly to keep us both warm and fed. It’s taken him some time, but he’s finally earned himself enough trust to be included in some of the more profitable jobs that are happening.

It won’t save us from living underneath this bridge anytime soon, but it does mean decent meals and warmer clothes when the winter kicks in.

I zip up the tent and light the candle in the lantern so I’m not shrouded in darkness. When I lay back on my pillow, I wonder how long Liam will be as I watch the flames flickering shadows on the tent roof.

I saw a notice in the window of a salon today— they were looking for help, no experience required. I guess it’ll just be sweeping up hair and making coffee, but since Liam’s stopped taking me on jobs I’ve been feeling useless. I haven’t brought it up with him yet, but I don’t see why I couldn’t at least try to take the job. We don’t have to run from child services anymore now that I’m over eighteen.

If I had a steady wage coming in, maybe, in time, we could get our own apartment.

I’m about to close my eyes when I hear the sound of an engine. The headlights shine brightly through the thin lining of the tent, and I suddenly start to panic. It can’t be Liam— he hasn’t been gone long enough. It could be a police squad car doing a random spot check, and with me being here alone I’m certain to get taken in. I often get mistaken for a minor, and with no ID it’s hard to prove otherwise. The only thing I have with my real name on is a library card, and that proves nothing.

I remind myself to breathe and stay calm. No good ever came out of panicking. But it’s hard when my heart’s beating so erratically and my palms are slick with sweat.

When the engine cuts, I do just as Liam said, remaining in the tent and keeping still. It’s too late to blow out the candle. The person outside will already know someone’s in here, and my heart thuds wildly against my chest as the confined space around me starts to close in.

Footsteps approach and I shuffle as far back as I can, trying my hardest not to make a noise. What if it’s not a policeman? What if it’s a looter or someone Liam’s pissed off? The tent zip starts to open, and when a huge, dirty hand reaches inside, a loud scream screeches from my throat.

Kicking at the hand when it grips around my ankle, all thoughts of being silent and still evaporate. But no matter how hard I struggle to fight it away, the grip is too strong, and I’m too weak. I get dragged out of the tent and onto the rough ground outside, and out of fear, I squeeze my eyes shut.

“Liam!” I scream for my brother so loud it feels like my throat is ripping open. And when rough, dirty fingers engulf my mouth, I choke on the sour taste of them.

“Shhhhh, it will be so much easier if you come quietly,” a deep voice whispers in my ear, followed by the warm, slimy tongue that slides over my jaw.

“Please let me go. My brother will be back any minute,” I warn, hoping to scare him away.

“You’ll never see your brother again, little girl.”

The hand from the arm he has wrapped around my middle slides up and fists my tit, and I automatically start to fight against him again.

“I don’t want to have to drug you, but if you won’t come quietly, you will leave me no choice,” he warns, holding me firm as I struggle against him.

“No, please.” I fight against all my instincts and manage to still myself. I can’t bear the thought of not being unable to control my own body.

“Now that’s a good girl.” His hand strokes over my head like he’s petting a dog, and I feel myself deflate when he lifts me onto my feet and starts dragging me toward the waiting van.

It’s dark blue with roof racks, and the side door is already open. When he shoves me forward, I feel my bones rattle as I land inside. The sound of the door rolling shut throws me into darkness, and I instantly start feeling the walls in an attempt to escape.

The driver’s door opens and automatically turns on the interior light up front. I watch the man get behind the wheel and listen to him whistle.

“Boss will be happy with you.” He laughs to himself before he starts the engine, and when I launch at him, ready to attack, I’m blocked by the clear Perspex barrier between us.

“Calm down, fiery one. You are gonna need all your energy for what’s to come.” He chuckles.

The interior light goes out, and I fall back on my ass and slide across the floor when he shifts into reverse. I scream in frustration, madly scratching at the metal walls around me to try and locate a door handle, but it’s too dark, and we’re moving so fast my head is spinning.

I use up all my energy banging at the walls and yelling for help, but my captor turns up the stereo and drives on as if I’m not even there.

When I realize all my efforts are useless, I slump back to the floor and wrap my arms around my legs. I shiver from fear, and my stomach rolls with motion sickness, but all I can focus on are the words the man said to me…

“You'll never see your brother again.”

I can’t believe it, I won’t believe it, because there has never been a time in my life when my brother hasn’t come through for me.
