Page 22 of Stolen Soul

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“So yes, you can trust me. That, and the fact I know Ricardo would love an opportunity to shoot at my head, keeps me here.”

I let myself laugh with her on that one. The sound of it is addictive. I can’t remember the last time I made someone laugh.

“Rafe?” Her smile quickly fades.

“Yes?” I whisper, suddenly feeling the need to be closer to her.

“If you took me from Adriano to save me. Why haven’t you let me go?”

She flinches when my hand raises up to her neck. Then her eyes look down toward my fingers as if she’s shocked at the softness I touch her with. Her skin is slightly chilled from the evening air and the lack of clothes she’s wearing, and I slide the arch of my hand to her chin and slowly push my thumb across her plump bottom lip, watching her eyes burn into me curiously.

I could tell her the real reason, but I don’t want her to see the vulnerability in me. And I won’t lie to her any more than I have to.

“It’s getting cold. We should head back inside.” I stand up and offer her my hand. Riley looks disappointed at her failure to get an answer, but she takes it regardless and allows me to guide her back into the house.

I walk her all the way to her bedroom door and nod for the guard, Luca, to step away and give us some privacy.

“Thanks for dinner and for taking a walk with me. Who knew you were capable of actually being a gentleman?” She nudges me with her shoulder playfully.

“I’m taking you to a party tomorrow night.” The words come out spontaneously, and they must take her by surprise because her pretty blues double in size.

The event I’m attending is much more of a business obligation than a party, but I don’t tell her that. Gioele tells me it’s important that I show my face at least a few of these functions a year. We have to keep up appearances for the company we launder my cash through.

“A party,” Riley checks, trying to dampen the excitement from her voice.

“You don’t like parties?” I tease.

“I haven’t been to one since I was twelve,” she admits awkwardly.

This girl’s so damn cute. My cock craves to corrupt her.

“I’ll have Sylvia arrange something appropriate for you to wear.” I gently tug at the front of the shirt she’s wearing. As much as I like her like this, I’m not about to treat the guests at Maria Collin’s party to a full view of what’s mine. My guards getting a look at her is bad enough.

“Why don’t you take that blonde friend of yours?” She crosses her arms defiantly. I was wondering how long it would take the bratty side of her to unleash itself again.

“I don’t care much for blondes.” I lean in toward her and whisper, causing those straight stubborn lips of hers to twitch into a smile.

“And if I try to run?” she tests, so I decide to play her game.

Stepping my body into hers, I overpower her tiny frame. My lips are so close to her mouth that kissing her would be easy. God, I want to kiss her.

“Where you gonna run to, Riley?” I threaten her with her own words, and it makes her take a step away from me.

The way she stares back at me with her head slightly tilted somehow makes those lips of hers even more irresistible. I want to taste them, to fuck them, and to feel them all over my skin.

“Goodnight, Raphael,” she whispers, stretching up on her toes so her lips touch my bristly jaw. It takes all of my composure not to push her into the wall and devour her. But I fear that once I do. I’ll never want to stop, and that would be fatal.

For her and for me.

It’s early afternoon when Sylvia bursts into my bedroom with a garment bag draped over her arm. She smiles at me as she hangs it on the front of the wardrobe, then stands beside it like she’s expecting me to say something.

Of course, I’m excited about tonight. I have been ever since Rafe told me we were leaving the house. But I’m also nervous as hell. I’ve never been to an adult party before, and I’m finding this whole situation really confusing. Especially since I have no idea what Rafe’s expectations are of me.

“Come on, put me out of my misery. I want to see it.” Sylvia shuffles on her feet excitedly. I’m sure last night Rafe told me that she would be the one arranging what I’d be wearing. Or maybe I was just too focused on wanting his fucking lips on me that I wasn’t listening properly.

I pull the zip down the center of the bag and gasp out loud when I see what’s inside. The dress is gorgeous, electric blue, and made of lace. The neckline, shoulders, and long sleeves are all see-through, and it looks far too grand for me to wear.

“Mmmm, a little short in my personal opinion, but I’m sure your legs will carry it off, dear.” Sylvia looks disapprovingly at where the dress cuts off. She’s right— it is very on the short side. It will barely cover my thighs once it’s on, but at the same time, it’s classy and elegant.
