Page 27 of Stolen Soul

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I rest my glass on the table in front of us and shift myself a little closer to her.

“I like stealing your firsts, Riley,” I admit, allowing my hand to find a path up her thigh again. She flinches slightly, but it’s out of thrill, not fear. I have more than enough experience to know the difference.

“What do you mean?” she whispers, her eyes staring into the back of Ricardo’s head like she’s nervous he’ll turn around. His huge frame and Maria’s multiple layers of sheer fabric are the only things shielding us from the rest of the room.

“This is your first party, is it not? And I’m assuming from that sloppy attempt to take my cock in your mouth in the car that it was the first to make it past your lips.” My hand travels higher, and this time I don’t back down. The tip of my index finger touches her lace panties and draws a line through the center of them, making her hum for me.

“Am I the first to touch you here?” I whisper, and Riley shivers as her pretty little head nods to confirm what I already know.

“So now that we've established what you want from my monster cock, why don’t you tell me what you want from these?” I apply just enough pressure with my finger to make her tense before Ricardo clears his throat and prompts me to pull away from her.

The tip of my finger is slightly damp, and I smile at Riley as I bring it to my mouth and suck her arousal from the tip.

Sweet as sin, just like I expected.

“Raphael Verretti.” Samuele makes himself sound surprised to see me, and Ricardo steps aside to let him pass. It barely gives Riley the chance to gather her composure, and the flustered look on her face makes me even madder at the intrusion.

“Samuele.” I nod to greet him, making sure he’s aware that his presence displeases me.

“I was hoping I’d see you here. Maria boasts that you have remodeled some of the finest properties in the state.” He helps himself to the seat opposite us.

“Are you looking to invest in some property?” I ask sarcastically, and suddenly cautious of my body language toward Riley, I put some space between us.

“No, Raphael, much like yourself, I’m very comfortable.”

It’s a warning that he intends to keep his business local to mine, and I don’t like his tone.

“You forget your manners, my friend,” he smiles. “You are yet to introduce me to the beautiful lady who accompanies you.” His attention flicks to Riley, and every part of me turns rigid with rage as he looks at her like a starved animal.

“Tell me your name, pretty girl.” He raises his eyebrows at her, and I have to stop myself from snarling at him like a wolf.

“Her name is irrelevant,” I cut in before Riley has the chance to give him an answer. “The girl is one of my whores.”

I don’t look for Riley’s reaction to that comment, and I hold on to the hope that just this once, she won’t let her mouth run.

“It’s unlike you to bring a plaything to a party, Raphael. I hope she isn’t making your shadow jealous.” He sniggers over his shoulder at Ricardo, who looks just about ready to stamp on his face.

Samuele is right. I rarely require female company at events like these. The fact he knows that proves he’s had eyes on me for a while.

“I’ve been to one of Maria’s parties before. I find it best to bring my own entertainment,” I explain matter-of-factly, taking a side glance at Riley while Samuele sips from his glass. I’m not greeted with the anger I expect. Instead, I’m struck by hurt.

“Well, perhaps when you are finished with your whore…” His eyes, once again, roll over what belongs to me, tempting me to put a bullet in both their sockets. “…maybe you will permit me the pleasure.” He’s testing me now. I can tell by the way he’s studying me for a reaction. Samuele isn’t buying my bullshit. So I need to sell it a little better.

“Of course,” I nod, faking him a smile and acting unbothered. What I really want to do is smash the glass in my hand, slit the mother fucker’s throat and make him bleed out all over Maria’s well-polished marble floor.

“Samuele, if you wish to discuss business with me, I’d much prefer to do it during office hours,” I tell him curtly, willing him to politely fuck off while I still have some restraint left.

“My apologies, Raphael,” he holds up both his hands defensively. “I assumed all hours were office hours in your line of work.”

Before he moves away, he leans toward Riley, testing me further when his lips stop just an inch from her skin.

“I’ll look forward to seeing you again,” he whispers, and when his hand touches her leg, she shoves him away so harshly that he almost topples on top of her.

“A wild one, Verretti,” he smirks, making a quick recovery. “I see now why you keep her so close.” Backing away slowly, he takes the time to nod at Ricardo as he passes him and rejoins the party.

After he’s disappeared out of sight, I turn my body toward Riley, ready to try and explain.

“Don’t!” She uses the palm of her hand as a barrier between us. “I want to leave,” she tells me, her eyes filling with tears and refusing to look at me.
