Page 31 of Stolen Soul

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“This time of night…” He frowns while he tries to think. “You could try his office or the games room,” he suggests, and when I go to move toward the stairs, I notice how he sticks close behind me.

I knock on Rafe’s office door but get no answer, and when I brave a quick check, I’m surprised to find the door unlocked. The room is empty, so I ask the guard to show me where the games room is. He might as well make himself useful if he’s going to follow me.

The door to the room is slightly ajar, and I can see a dim light coming from inside. There’s music playing too. It’s a song I’ve never heard before, one without lyrics that sounds classical and beautiful.

“I can take it from here,” I dismiss the guard, feeling a little power trip when he actually does as I ordered. Then, taking a long breath, I remind myself to stay calm and hold back any urges I have to get a rise from Rafe. I have questions, and if I want answers, I’ll have to try Sylvia's suggested method to get them.

When I open the door and step inside, I find him sitting in the center of a long black couch— his arms stretched out over the back. His shirt is open, and there's a bottle of something that looks strong hanging in his left hand. And suddenly, all the questions I have seem to tumble out of my head, and all I can focus on is not running to him.

“What are you doing here?” I do everything I can to hide the shock from my face when she steps into the room.

She’s changed out of her dress into one of my white shirts. But her hair is still exactly how I like it, in that loose braid that hangs over her shoulder, and I like it even better now it’s been ruined by my fingers.

I find it hard looking at Riley sometimes. The girl’s so fucking stunning that she puts a suffering in my chest, and the pain gets so bad that it makes me want to hurt her back for it.

“I… I was looking for you,” she whispers timidly, all the confidence she barged in here with suddenly lost as her eyes roam around the room to avoid making contact with mine.

“Well, you’ve found me, so what do you want?” I knock back another mouthful of single malt while I wait for her answer.

She's nervous. I can tell from the way her shaky fingers are fidgeting with the hem of her shirt.

“I have questions.” She speaks so quietly that I can barely hear her over the Chopin record I have playing. Lucky for her, I’ve drunk enough to simmer my mood rather than aggravate it. And seeing her like this, vulnerable and a little fearful, almost makes me want to take pity on her.

“I’ll make you a deal,” I offer, knowing that I’m giving her an advantage that I might regret. She looks at me properly for the first time since she entered the room, and when I see that her eyes are red around their rims from crying, I can’t decide if I love or detest knowing that I’ve been the cause of her tears.

“Come closer.” I hook my finger to her, and without argument, she complies, moving toward me and then stepping around the coffee table to stand in front of me. Our feet are so close they almost touch, and looking up at her, I want so badly to slide my hands up her milky thighs and touch her pussy again.

“I’ll permit you one question.” I try not to get distracted by the sheer beauty of her. “I’ll even answer it honestly,” I promise, keeping my tone soft for her.

“And what must I give in return?” she asks wearily.

“I will ask you a question and expect the same courtesy,” I explain.

“I have more than one question.” She stares down at me, trying so hard to find her confidence again.

“Then you must choose which one you ask wisely.” I take another sip of my drink. “I get to go first, though.”

Leaning forward, I curve around her body to place the bottle in my hand on the table behind her. Then, looking up at her body, I make sure my nose slightly brushes her skin as I pull away and rest back on the couch. My cock strains tight in my pants as I take in the way she looks standing in front of me, and if she was brave enough to look, she’d see it for herself. Despite clearly being nervous, Riley nods her head back at me and prepares herself for my question.

There are plenty of things I want to learn about Riley Hayes, all the small intimate details that Gioele would never be able to find out because they exist only in her head.

But there’s one question that I’m burning to know the answer to, even if I have to sacrifice a little piece of myself to get it.

I slide my tongue over my lips and watch a breath rise in her chest while she waits anxiously.

“Do you want me to be your first, Riley?” I ask, furious at myself for needing her answer to be yes so badly. Sure, she said in the car earlier that she wanted my cock inside her, but she was caught in a moment, distracted by lust. I need to know if she meant it.

Riley’s eyes shut, and when she nods back at me like she’s ashamed of her answer, my cocky smirk doesn’t make it all the way to my lips.

“Lose the shirt.” My voice comes out husky, and Riley takes me by surprise when she obediently does what I’ve asked. Her shaky fingers loosen the buttons before she slips the fabric off her shoulders and lets it fall to the ground around her feet.

She stands in front of me in a pair of white lace panties that I’ve made sure she has a good supply of. I decided the first time I saw her pussy that it should only ever be dressed in white lace and that it would only ever be for me.

The waistline of them sits high on her hips and dips low in the middle, creating an arch that I trace with my index finger.

“Those too,” I command, watching as her fingers slowly slip under the fabric to slide them down her thighs.

I haven’t seen Riley’s pussy since she was in my brother’s cell and looking at it now, it’s every bit as enticing as it was then. Strangely, even more so now I know for sure she wants to give it to me.
