Page 39 of Stolen Soul

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“You and I are from different worlds. In mine, it’s not so fucked up.” He raises his shoulders, not even attempting to explain, and the space between us becomes even tighter.

“In what world, Raphael? In what world is any of this okay?”

My back hits one of the thick oak beams that hold the roof up, and he uses it to his advantage. His hands rest above my head, and his body cages me in.

“Say yes to me,” he growls through his teeth. His forehead creasing, and a pain I’ve never seen before adorning his beautiful face.

“Why?” I ask weakly

“Because I want to take care of you.” His nose slides along my cheek and makes my breath catch.

“Because as adorable as you look when you cry, I don’t think I want to hurt you.” He speaks softly against my ear as his hips roll slightly into me. His thick, hard shaft presses into my stomach, and it makes me throb for him.

“You said you wouldn’t pressure me,” I remind him.

“You came to find me,” he points out. His hand moves under the white shirt I’m wearing, and his fingertips spreading over my skin.

Oh my god.

“Say yes,” he whispers again. This time with his lips just a millimeter away from mine. The sincerity in his voice, the touch of his hands on my body, and the fact that I’ve been falling for him since he brought me here force me to defeat.

“Yes,” I whisper back, helplessly making a deal with the devil, and his mouth slams so hard over mine that the back of my skull impacts with the wood behind me. His tongue rolls around mine, and as he tears at my shirt and grabs at my tits, he growls a predatory sound of relief into my mouth.

His hands move down my body, lifting under my thighs and taking me off my feet. Then, pinning me to the pillar with his abs, he tugs his shorts off his hips and releases himself. I feel the tip of his cock slide between my legs and anchor myself tighter to his body, desperate to feel him inside me again. And when his fingers tug at my lace to clear a path for him to enter me, my stomach flutters with anticipation.

“This is gonna be quick,” he warns. “I’ve been wanting to take you since you got out of that damn shower this morning.” He pushes inside me, and the force and size of him combined make me yelp. But my legs cling to him tighter as his hips thrust into me fast and hard, making my back scrape up and down the beam.

He seems like he’s lost control as his hands move over my skin as if he doesn’t know which part of me he wants to touch. His lips suck at my neck, and his teeth nip at my collarbone as he fills me deeper and deeper.

I want so badly to touch him back, but I’m too scared to let go of the grip I have around his neck. I can feel myself slipping over the edge. There’s something building in my stomach that’s screaming for release, just like the night before, and all of a sudden, he feels so much bigger inside me.

His hand reaches up over my chest, and he grabs at my throat, his eyes fierce and forcing me to pay attention to him.

“You’re mine, Riley Hayes. Only death will part us now.” His words send a shiver of fear down my spine, but it also triggers the dam that’s been building up inside me to break… and I call out his name as I flood his cock and rock myself mercilessly against his solid body.

Rafe’s body suddenly stills, and when he presses his forehead tight against mine, I feel his cock spasm inside me, filling me with the seed he wants me to nurture. And his dark stare is daring me like he’s waiting for me to argue.

But I don’t.

“Good girl,” he whispers, looking down at my lips before he rewards them with a kiss. Then, keeping me tight to his body, he pulls me away from the beam I’m propped against and carefully lays me on the floor.

“Again?” My eyes widen in shock. I’m really gonna have to build up some stamina because my body feels shattered.

“No,” Rafe shakes his head and laughs to himself. “You’re gonna lie there and wait for me to finish my workout,” he tells me with a crooked smile.

“And why would I want to do that?” I ask, letting a little laugh escape from my lips.

I must look ridiculous, sprawled out half-naked on his gym floor.

“Because…” He focuses between our bodies as he pulls his cock out of me and snaps my white panties back into place. I follow the trail of his finger when it slides between my legs, and the heel of his palm cups my pussy. “…I don’t want a single drop of that spilling out of you,” he lowers his head and whispers into my ear. Then planting a kiss on my cheek, he lifts himself off my body, leaving me on the floor, worn out and feeling completely over my head.

“When you said you wanted to impregnate me, I didn’t expect you to want to get started straight away,” Riley muffles sleepily into her pillow. It was 5am when I decided that I’d been lying and watching her sleeping for far too long. It had been a whole six hours since I’d last filled her tight little pussy with my cum, and I feel satisfied now that I've topped it up again.

“What is there to wait for?” I slide out of her and roll onto my back so I can catch my breath. Riley angles her body so she’s facing me, and she looks sweet as fuck when she slides both her hands under her cheek and smiles me a dreamy smile.

“Most people spend time getting to know each other before they decide to have kids together, Rafe,” her eyes close like she might drift back off to sleep.

“And some know what they want from the moment they see it.” I place a kiss on her forehead before dragging myself out of bed.
