Page 45 of Stolen Soul

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His whole body stiffens, and I feel the powerful throbbing of his release when it explodes inside me. Then, after his exhausted, sweaty body collapses on top of mine, I wrap my arms around him and hold him tight.

“There’s nothing in this world that can protect you from me, Riley,” he warns me breathlessly.

“Not even nature.”


“You don’t like your eggs that way?” I watch Riley push them around her plate to avoid eating them.

“You know I do. I’m just not hungry this morning.” When she pouts her pretty little lips at me, I look across the dining room to where Ricardo is standing beside the door and gesture my head for him to leave us.

“You haven’t eaten properly in two days,” I point out, feeling the creases in my forehead deepen. If she hadn't just had another period, I’d be assuming all that cum I’ve been fucking inside her had taken hold.

“Rafe, you can’t expect me to eat everything you have put in front of me. I’m just not used to eating this well.” She’s feeding me bullshit, and frustration has me slamming my hand at the table before gripping its edge.

“Have I done something to upset you?” I keep my eyes focused on my hand, trying to hold my temper. Riley knows exactly how to push all my buttons, and I’ve been lenient with her lately. These last few days, she’s been off with me, and if something’s on her mind, I want to know what it is.

“Jeez, I just don’t feel hungry,” she snaps, scraping back her chair and standing up.

“Where do you think you’re going?” I stare at her in shock.

“Back to my room. I want to take a shower.”

“I never gave you permission to leave the table,” I remind her, narrowing my eyes in warning. I’ve come to look forward to the times during and just after her period. I know I can be rough with her. Perhaps that’s what she’s coaxing me for this morning.

Sliding my own chair back, I step toward her, but the scornful look she’s hitting back at me is anything but seductive.

“Sit and eat.” I point my finger at her chair.

“Fuck. Off,” she bites back, acting like a spoiled little brat, making my eyes widen and my palm twitch. I breathe in through my nose, letting all my anger heat the blood under my skin. And then, before I do something I know I’ll regret, I storm out of my own dining room.

When I slam open the doors, it startles Ricardo, and he immediately moves into the dining room to stand guard. I clench my fists and seethe as I cross the hall and push through the swinging door into the kitchen.

“Is everything okay?” Sylvia immediately stops kneading the dough on her chopping board, her eyes full of concern as she wipes the flour from her hands onto her apron.

“The girl infuriates me!” I pace the wood floor in front of her, trying to calm my breathing as I run my hands through my hair.

“I give her everything. And she repays me with punishment.” I’m talking more to myself than Sylvia, but it doesn’t take long for her hands to be on the back of my shirt, soothing me.

“You mustn’t take everything so personally. Maybe the girl is unwell,” she suggests. “The way you two go at it, I wouldn’t be surprised if she wasn’t…”

“She’s not,” I interrupt, wishing that was the case.

Riley is making me pay for something, and I have to figure out what it is.

“Go and offer her something else, Sylvia. See if you can talk some sense into her. If she needs to see a doctor, I can arrange it. I’ll be in the gym.”

Sylvia smiles at me warmly.

“What’s that pathetic look for?” I ask her, trying not to sound pissed.

“It’s nice to see you caring about someone,” she tells me with a dopey look still on her face. “Even if you do have a very overbearing manner.”

“Just see to the girl, Sylvia.” I shake my head and walk out, heading straight to the gym so I can work off all the anger Riley puts inside me.

A two-hour workout does nothing to simmer my mood, and after a long, cold shower, I get dressed and head down to my office. I make calls to all my houses and check things are running smoothly. I have an auction taking place in Chicago next week that I should attend, but I’d much rather be here than in Chicago. Being away from Riley last time really fucked with my head, and I’ve convinced myself that staying home will give Demetri the opportunity to prove his worth.

I try to focus on work, but I can’t get Riley and her latest stunt off my mind. Maybe Sylvia’s right, and she is actually sick. If she’s not eaten anything by tomorrow, I’ll call my doctor and have him take a look at her.
