Page 51 of Stolen Soul

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“Yes, and buy a new computer, the latest one, the best on the market. Bill it to me,” I tell him, dropping Riley’s hand from mine and suddenly feeling sick myself. I move to the balcony to get some air while Riley gets herself sorted and Viktor packs his stuff away.

“I’ll come and see you for another check-up in a few weeks.” I hear him talking to Riley, but all I can think about is how I slammed her against the wall of my office yesterday. She’d been so brave when I stretched her to her limit, and she took four of my fingers deep inside her. I took her from behind in the shower this morning before we went down to breakfast and crushed the front of her delicate little body into the tiles.

I’ve been so merciless with her because I had no idea.

“You will need some prenatal vitamins. They can be picked up from the shelf at any pharmacy.” I turn my head and watch him write out a note and hand it over to her.

Riley still looks completely overwhelmed as she takes it. She’s scared, and I should be there for her, putting her at ease and letting her know this is going to be okay.

“And there are also some foods that are recommended that you should avoid,” he adds.

“Make a list, and I’ll give it to my housekeeper,” I call over to them, starting to pull myself back together.

“Of course.” Viktor nods back at me, taking his metal case and lifting it off the bed.

“Congratulations,” he tells us both before seeing himself out, and as soon as the door closes, I slump in the chair.

“Rafe?” Riley jumps off the bed and comes toward me, curling herself onto my lap and wrapping her arms around my neck. “What’s wrong? You seem unhappy.”

“No.” I shake my head and tighten my arms around her. Not too tight, though. I don’t want to crush her.

“I just had no idea.”

“I’m sorry for not eating. I didn’t know about the baby. I’m gonna try really hard, okay? And I’ll listen to everything you tell me from now on,” she promises. Making me feel even more guilty.

I slide my hand up through the bottom of her shirt and rest my palm on her flat stomach. “I’m gonna take better care of you, of both of you,” I assure her. I want to be inside her so much right now. The sense of ownership I’m feeling knowing that there’s a piece of me growing inside her is overpowering. But seeing it on the screen for real, that tiny flicker of a heartbeat had only cemented how much I want this. I need her and my baby to be okay. I can’t let anything jeopardize this. I can’t lose them.

“We’re gonna be fine. All of us. A family, just like you wanted,” Riley assures me, sliding her hand over mine.

I block out all the dark thoughts in my head and focus on what I have in my arms. I can’t let myself think back to my past because I’ll feel even more guilt. Then I’ll get angry. And anger isn’t an option around Riley anymore. I promised I’d protect her, and that means from me too.

This is a gift. Our gift and karma wouldn’t have allowed it to happen if I didn’t deserve it.

We’re having a baby. Me and Riley are gonna be parents, and I am gonna give my family everything. Nothing is gonna prevent that from happening.

Not even the horrors of my past.


“Whose genius idea was this again?” I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand and climb up from where I’m kneeling over the toilet. Being sick has become part of my morning routine. The only good thing about it is feeling half-human again afterward. Rafe’s just got out of the shower and looks incredible, as always, with just a towel wrapped around his hips.

“You said it would stop after the first trimester.” I snatch the toothbrush that he’s already loaded with toothpaste for me out of his hand and start to brush.

“It will pass soon.” He rests his chin on my shoulder and wraps his arms around me, staring at our reflection.

“How about I get Sophia back here today? You can get your hair done. She could give you some spa treatments around the pool this afternoon.”

“Do you think I need my hair done?” I muffle through a mouthful of foam. Even though he’s got a point, my stray ends could use a trim. The last time Ricardo’s sister set up her salon here, I felt so much better after seeing her.

“Riley, I just want you to feel better.” He presses his lips against my cheek, and I scowl at him before leaning forward, spitting in the basin and swilling my mouth out with some more water.

“I’m getting fat,” I pout, looking down at the bump that seems to have popped out of nowhere over the past couple of days.

“I fucking love it.” Rafe smoothes his palms over my stomach and treats me to a wide grin. He’s refused to have sex with me since we found out I was pregnant, and these past few weeks have been getting increasingly frustrating for me. Everything he does seems to make me want to jump him.

Reaching down, I slide my fingers between his and slowly guide his hand a little lower. When his fingertips dip just below the waistline of my panties, my insides hum, and my pussy weeps at the sensation of having him so close. I need his contact. My clit aches for his attention, and my entrance throbs to feel him again.

“What are you doing?” he whispers into my ear, keeping his eyes fixed cautiously on mine through the mirror.
