Page 56 of Stolen Soul

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I suddenly feel the need to let her know that. Sitting myself up straighter, I curl her legs so they cross around my back, and with my hands on her ass, I control the thrusts she makes against me. Keeping them steady and slow as I cover every inch of her that my lips can reach. Our bodies are tight, and we’re so connected that I feel her steal a little piece of my soul from me.

She can take it— she can take all of it. I want her to have it because my life is for her now. And home is wherever she is.

Riley comes apart for me. Her body shudders against mine as her fingers embed into my skin, and she whimpers into my shoulder. It’s at this very moment that I realize that for her, I won’t just kill Adriano. I’ll walk away from everything my family worked to build.

Because she is the best part of me now.

Riley deserves a man that can fuck her without having to hurt her, a man who doesn’t have to lie to her about how he makes his money.

She deserves the best version of me that I can offer her.

I lean over her and lay her on her back, keeping her legs wrapped tightly around me and making sure not to hurt her as I gently slide in and out of her precious body. “I’m gonna change your life, Riley Hayes.” I look deep into her blue eyes and make her a promise.

“You already did,” she whispers.

“You feeling good today?” Rafe asks when I step out to join him on the balcony. He’s sitting at the bistro table, drinking his coffee and reading the paper.

“Yes, much better.” I smile to prove it, taking the seat opposite him and enjoying the warmth of the sun on my face.

“Good. I rescheduled for Sophia to come today.” He informs me without bothering to raise his eyes from the article he’s reading.

“Is that to distract me from the fact you’re avoiding me?” I risk asking him.

Rafe folds down the top of the paper and shoots me a look over the top. “I am not avoiding you.” His eyes narrow, confirming that he’s in one of his serious, solitary moods again.

After Adriano’s unexpected visit last week, Rafe promised me that he’d shut down his brother's organization. I haven’t asked him what he’s done since because I don’t want to push him, but I know it’s weighing heavily on his mind. He’s been spending more and more time alone in his room during the day, locking himself away from me and the rest of the world.

“I thought you might appreciate some female company, that is all.” He shrugs, folding up the paper and placing it on the table before he stands up.

“I’d appreciate your company,” I point out, past caring that it sounds needy. “You’re hiding yourself away from me, and I don’t like it.” The pout on my lips will make me come across as bratty, and deep down, I know Rafe likes it.

“Not at all.” He shakes his head. “You’re hormonal at the moment, Riley. You shouldn’t look for things to stress over.” He leans down to place a kiss on my cheek.

“Sophia will be here at eleven. I’ll have Sylvia organize lunch for you both.” He squeezes my shoulder gently before he leaves.

I know that Rafe keeps secrets from me, ones I’m unlikely to ever learn. I’m curious by nature, so that eats me up inside. But these past months I’ve spent living with Raphael, I’ve learned that he can’t be pushed. I also know that the more time he spends alone in his room, the more time he’ll spend thinking over whatever it is that’s been preventing him from bringing down his brother before.

I just hope he hasn’t changed his mind. I can’t have whatever haunts him come between us.

I need to trust Rafe, but over the past few days, the temptation to barge into that room and demand to know what he’s thinking has been hard to ignore. I’ve never been inside Rafe’s bedroom before. I get the impression he needs to have a space that’s just for him where he can be undisturbed.

He’s slept beside me every night since the first time we had sex. He even keeps some of his clothes in the wardrobe now, but I still don’t feel like it’s our room.

Sophia arrives as scheduled at eleven. She’s a bundle of energy with bouncy, black, curly hair and a tan that I would kill for. Her bubbly nature makes me question how she could be related to Ricardo.

Last time I saw her, I’d learned that she owns a salon in the town not far from here. It’s a building that, unsurprisingly, Rafe owns. For her to be trusted enough to be here, I knew Raphael would have had some kind of hold over her. She’s never questioned me about my old life or how I came to be here, which suggests to me that she’s been told not to. Regardless of that, Sophia is fun, and as much as I like Sylvia, I have to admit I enjoy the company of a female closer to my age. It almost feels as if Rafe is gifting me a friendship.

Sophia trims my hair for me, and when she’s done, she suggests we head down to the pool and have some R and R. I’m quick to agree. I need a distraction to stop me from worrying about what's going on in Rafe’s head. And I’m sure Sophia was briefed by him or her brother to do exactly that with our time together.

I run upstairs to make a quick change into the bikini Rafe brought me for use around the pool, noticing how the top is much tighter than it had been a few weeks ago when I last put it on. Still, I’m pleasantly surprised to learn that I’ve put no weight on my ass before I wrap up in a robe and head back to the pool.

I feel a sad dig in my chest when we leave my room and pass Rafe’s bedroom door. I hate the thought of him alone in there, hurting, especially when I’m about to go and enjoy myself. But I close my eyes and push past the inclination I have to check on him. If he needs his space, I have to respect that.

I smile when we get down to the pool room because, despite Rafe’s distant mood, he’s proven that he’s still thinking about me. There’s a table set up that’s bursting with treats. There is even a selection of made-up cocktails. All non-alcoholic, obviously. Sophia squeals with excitement as she lays out on one of the loungers that has been made up with towels around the pool.

“You do realize you have the best boyfriend in the world, don’t you?” She doesn’t rest for long, moving over to the table and filing her face. “No wonder you let him knock you up so quickly. He’s a real keeper.” she giggles. Then suddenly looks awkward when she realizes what she’s said.

“Oh shit, Hunny, I didn’t mean that you would…” she closes her eyes and sucks in an exasperated breath. “I’m always putting my foot in my mouth. Ignore me… Cocktail?” She holds up the pitcher with an apologetic smile.
