Page 57 of Stolen Soul

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I pass off her comment and nod my head. Though, it makes me wonder what Ricardo or Rafe have told her about my situation. Sophia seems like a good, honest person. I’m sure she would tell me if she thought what was happening between me and Rafe was wrong. But then, I know nothing of this world that I’ve suddenly become a part of. What I do know is that Rafe has people in his pocket, and Sophia is likely one of his puppets.

We spend a few hours lounging around the pool. Sophia even makes us a face mask with some of the fresh fruit from the table, and after we both take a swim, she gives me a pedicure. In the true spirit of our “friendship”, I offer to give her one too, and I’m actually impressed with what I manage.

I’ve never really spent time with other girls before. Liam always told me that making friends was a pointless exercise. This made sense, as we were constantly on the move, dodging the authorities. Neither one of us wanted to go back into the system. The risk of us being separated was too great. Turns out all that running got us nowhere. We’re separated now, and I often find myself wondering what’s become of him.

“So, you and Raphael?” Sophia interrupts my trail of thought, rolling over in her sun lounger to look at me. “Do you think he’s gonna make an honest woman of you?”

Sophia has never asked any questions about us before. I always assumed that was part of her deal with him. I’m tempted to talk to her, to hear someone else’s thoughts on my situation. But at the same time, I don’t think Rafe would like it.

“Maybe,” I shrug casually, taking another sip of the delicious cocktail Sylvia must have made.

“Ricardo’s worked for Rafe’s family since he was a teenager. He’s never known him to be with a woman the way he is with you,” she tells me with an encouraging smile on her face.

“Ricardo told you that?” I laugh. I can’t imagine the sour-faced brute gossiping.

“Believe it or not, my brother is very fond of you.” She picks up a nail file and starts filing off her already perfectly manicured nails.

“I always thought he hated me,” I giggle again.

“Ricardo takes his job very seriously. He looks at Rafe like a brother. I think he worried in the beginning that he would get hurt.”

“Hurt by me?” Now I’m really laughing. As if I could ever hurt a man like Raphael Verretti.

“I don’t think you give yourself enough credit.” Sophia smirks before lying back down and closing her eyes.

It’s mid-afternoon before Sophia packs up her things and leaves. Promising that she will come back to see me in a few weeks' time. I head back upstairs and dress in my usual attire. A plain white shirt that I’m getting sick at the sight of. I thought me being pregnant might make Rafe slacken the rules on how I dress for him. I must approach the whole clothing issue when I sense he’s in a better mood.

It’s past seven when we eat dinner together in the dining hall. Rafe remains quiet, only asking polite, mundane questions. I’m starting to worry that I’ve done something to upset him until he finishes up his plate, wipes his mouth with his napkin, and then stands to hold out his hand to me.

Taking it, I let him lead me upstairs to my room and through to the en-suite. He says nothing as he turns on the faucet of the huge tub and pours some bath soak through the hot water. Then stepping back across the room to me, he takes the hair band wrapped around my wrist and moves behind me to gather up my hair, tying it into a loose bun on top of my head.

He reaches around my body and slowly unbuttons my shirt, sliding the tips of his fingers along the seams before he drags it off my shoulders. I let him guide me toward the tub, where he checks the temperature and gestures with his head for me to step inside.

The water is warm and soothing against my skin as I sink beneath the bubbles, and my whole body tingles with excitement when I notice Rafe slipping out of his jeans. He pulls his t-shirt over his head before slipping into the water behind me, and his hands instantly soothe over my skin. When his lips touch my neck, they send tiny waves of pleasure directly to my center, and as his strong hands knead my breasts and pinch at my nipples, I feel that desperation start to build in the pit of my stomach.

He lowers his hands over my wet skin— his palms are delicate as they stroke over my round tummy. Just lately, I’ve been feeling the tiny flutters inside me that he’s read about in that book he treats like a bible. Nothing strong enough to be certain, or anything that he would feel from the outside, but I like to think that it’s our baby’s way of letting me know it’s doing okay.

“Did you enjoy your day with Sophia?” he speaks softly, cupping water in his hands and raising it to spill through his fingers over my stomach.

“Yes, I missed you, though,” I admit, hoping that he might open up to me.

His lips skim my jawline, and I turn my head so our mouths touch. Sometimes I find myself craving Rafe’s aggression. He’s been so gentle with me since I’ve been pregnant. I miss our old ways, the bruises, and the way his fingers would press into my throat while he fucked me.

“They say absence makes the heart grow fonder.” He smirks against my lips, his hands slipping beneath the water and his middle finger stroking between my pussy lips.

“You should talk to me more about how you feel.” I rest my head against his shoulder and enjoy his touch, and when I feel his cock stiffen against my back, I run my hands over his water-soaked thighs that lie on either side of my body.

“I prefer to show you how I feel.” His teasing finger slips inside me, and it feels a little different with the pressure of the water surrounding us. Much tighter and more intense.

Rafe makes me come… twice before we get out of the bath. After wrapping my robe around my body, he dries himself off and slips into some clean underwear.

“I want to show you something.” He curls his hand around mine and leads me toward the door out to the hall. There are no guards on patrol here anymore. Rafe sleeps beside me every night, and I’m sure that he trusts me not to run from him now.

He stops in front of his bedroom door and looks nervous before he opens it into darkness. I take a deep breath before he turns on the light, fearing what he’s about to share with me.

When the room lights up, my eyes struggle to take in everything that I’m seeing because what I’m looking at is nothing at all what I expected. The walls surrounding us have been painted a rich ivory color. I can still smell the fresh paint. The huge window is draped with luxurious cream fabrics that match. And all the furniture in the room is made of oak. There’s a wardrobe, changing station, and sleigh-style cot— that when I move closer— I see is already made up with soft linens that match the decor. There’s also a much smaller bassinet on the other side of the room that's made up the same way and a gorgeous antique rocking chair set beside it.

“This is…” I feel tears swelling in my eyes as the words get stuck in my throat.
