Page 58 of Stolen Soul

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“If you don’t like something, we can change it,” Rafe says quickly, “I can repaint the walls, and we can change the furniture.”

“You did all this?” I look up at him in shock.

“Of course I did.” He reaches for my waist and pulls me closer to his body. “I want this to be perfect. I wouldn’t have trusted anyone else.” He wipes away the tear that falls onto my cheek with the pad of his thumb.

“I want the baby to sleep with us for the first few months. We can take the bassinet into our room,” he tells me, the excitement building in his voice as he drags me across the room toward it.

“This chair was my mother’s. I had Luca go to the old house and pick it up a few weeks ago. I’ve sanded it down and repainted it. I know it’s not new, but it’s the one she nursed me in. I think she’d like you to have it for our child.” The more he speaks, the more tears flow uncontrollably from my eyes.

“Do you not like it?” he asks, looking worried, and it feels like my heart might burst out of my chest.

“Rafe, I love it.” I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him all over his beautiful face.

“This is what you’ve been doing these past few days? I thought you were mad at me or worried about…” I stop myself from saying any more. I refuse to speak the man’s name and let him ruin this moment.

“How can I be mad at you, Riley, when you accept so much of who I am? Do you not think that I wish things could be different for you? That I could show you off to the world and treat you to lavish restaurants and vacations?”

“I don’t need all that.” I slide my hand up to his cheek and make sure his eyes are on mine. “All I need is you.”

He looks down between our bodies and smiles shyly, causing that flutter inside me again. “I can’t believe you gave up your room for the baby. There are loads of others in the house you could have turned into a nursery.”

“Riley, I gave my room up a long time ago. I gave it up for you. This was never my room. The day I brought you back here, I knew I couldn’t have you sleep anywhere else but in my bed. Luca moved my things into here while we were driving back from Adr…” He stops himself the same as I did. “Besides, all the other rooms are too far away from us. I want him close.” His palm flattens over my stomach again.

“Him?” I raise my eyebrows.

“I have a hunch.” He shrugs with a boyish grin on his face that makes me fall for him a little harder.

“I have to do some work in my office today.” I kiss Riley’s forehead before I slide my cock out of her still pulsing pussy, stepping away from where I’ve balanced her on the sink unit in the bathroom. She’s been insatiable for the past few days. Her sickness seems to have passed, and now all she wants to do is fuck.

I keep having to remind her, and myself that we need to be careful, but the girl’s turned feral on me.

“And what am I supposed to do while you work?” she teases, sliding her finger through her soaked pussy that’s currently leaking with my cum.

Just the way I like it.

“Online shopping? Perhaps buy some clothes for you and the baby,” I suggest. Riley spoke to me last night about the way I have her dress. She wants a little more modesty for the rest of her pregnancy, and seeing as she caught me at a weak moment, I agreed. She looks pleased with that idea, and the cutest of smiles tugs onto her lips as she slides off the unit and stretches up on her toes to place a kiss on my lips.

“I’ll have Ricardo bring you up a laptop, if you like.” I tuck my still-solid cock back inside my sweatpants before she tries taking it again. I’ve already been far rougher than I should have been with her this morning. Not that she had any complaints about it.

“Maybe I could sit in your office and work with you?” she suggests, trying to sound casual. I wish I could say yes to her, but I need to call and check in with my trainers. There’s an auction coming up that I need to go well. I meant what I said about coming out of the business. But it’s not as easy as simply stepping away. You can’t make people that are tainted vanish. What we already have will need to be sold. And the people who have worked for me will expect to be paid for their silence.

Gioele is putting a plan into action, and despite the fact I’ve already shut down one of my mansions in Woodland Park, he estimates it could take up to two years before the business can be finished.

“You're far too much of a distraction for that.” I flick her cute little nose with my finger before turning the shower on for her. As I head into our bedroom to change, I consider the fact I’ll be making video calls and decide to put on a suit. My dealings may be illegal, but I like to maintain professionalism when I address my staff. I want to wait until Riley’s out of the shower before I leave, so I fire off a text to Ricardo instructing him to bring up his laptop so she can keep herself busy by shopping.

I’m just about to lay the fresh white shirt, I picked out of the wardrobe for her, on the bed when I hear her panicked voice.

“Rafe, you need to come quickly.” She throws me immediately into panic mode. I knew I’d been too rough with her just now, and my heart leaps into my throat as I race into the bathroom. I find her soaking wet under the shower, her eyes wide with her hand clutching at her stomach, and my chest feels like it’s gonna collapse. I can’t even fall apart because I need to stay calm for her.

“Come quick. I think I just felt a proper kick.” She looks up from her swollen stomach and beams at me.

Relief floods through my body like a rush of cool air. And as I move toward her, I don’t give a shit that the water soaks my shirt and pants. I want to share this moment with her, to capture the smile on her face and keep it forever as she takes my hand and guides it onto her tummy. It takes a few seconds, but I feel it, the tiny ripple that slides under my palm from beneath her skin.

“Did you feel it?” she giggles, her big blue eyes looking up at me with so much adoration that I suddenly don’t feel worthy of it.

It makes me feel so weak I have to sit down before I fall. Everything that’s changed in my life since she came into it feels like it’s just hit me in the gut with a sledgehammer.

“Are you okay?” she asks, looking down to where I crouch on the floor, my back against the tiles, my arms resting over my knees while I try to remind myself to breathe.
