Page 62 of Stolen Soul

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“We were close once,” he admits, picking at the crumbs from the baguette in his hand.

“So it doesn’t matter about all the wrong things that he’s done since then. You should grieve for the brother you lost, even if it was a long time ago that you lost him.” I raise my hand and let my fingers play with his hair. He’s due a haircut, and it has a slight curl on the ends. I like it this way.

“Do you miss your brother, Riley?” he asks thoughtfully, and despite knowing my answer will hurt him, I decide to answer his question honestly.

“Every day,” I admit sadly.

Rafe’s head nods understandingly, and he looks out at the view to avoid making eye contact with me.

“Liam doesn’t even know he’s gonna be an uncle.” My eyes fill up with tears at the thought of that, and I quickly face away from Rafe so he doesn’t notice them.

“Your brother can’t give you the life I can, Riley,” he reminds me. “I feel bad for the way it has to be, and I hate the thought of you hurting, but you knew what you were sacrificing when you agreed to be mine.” His hand reaches out and cups my chin, forcing me to look at him again. “We’re each other’s family now, Riley. We don’t need anyone else.” His eyes focus intensely on mine.

I nod back at him slowly, letting him wipe away my tears while I try to recall a time when I had a choice.

“How about I let you drive home?” he offers me a lopsided smile as compensation.

“But I thought you said…”

“I trust you,” he interrupts me, his hand sliding behind my ear so he can pull me in closer and kiss me. Every time his lips touch mine, I feel a tugging at my core, and I wonder if something this simple will always be as intense with us.

“Come on, let’s get you home.” Rafe stands up, holding out his hand for me, and I take it, letting him help me off the ground.

“Rafe.” I tug on his hand when he starts to move us toward the car, and he turns around and looks back at me with those dark eyes.

“I trust you too.” I suddenly feel like I need to tell him that. I don’t fear this man anymore. How can I when I know he’s capable of such tenderness? “It doesn’t matter to me anymore how all this started. All I care about now is our future.” I look down between us to where that future is growing.

“Close your eyes, Riley,” he whispers softly, and I instantly do as he tells me. I sense him moving around me but keep my eyes shut tight. He’s behind me now, and I feel his hands sweep my hair over one of my shoulders. He kisses my neck as his arms move over my head, and something cool touches the front of my chest.

“I was going to wait and give you this gift after the baby was born,” he whispers, his lips so close to touching my ear that it makes my pussy pulse. I reach up and touch whatever it is he’s fastening around my neck, and when I open my eyes, I look down and see the pretty silver crucifix, encrusted with diamonds and hanging where my mother’s used to.

“It’s beautiful,” I smile. I’ve never had a gift like it before. It seems such a luxury for a girl who had to steal to eat. “It must have cost you a fortune.”

“Your trust in me is worth more to me than anything I could ever gift you, Riley,” he tells me, wrapping his hand around my waist. He kisses the skin on my neck and inhales me as he breathes. “And you deserve so much more,” he tells me before taking my hand and leading me to the car.

“Money isn’t everything, Rafe,” I remind him as he holds open the driver's door for me to get inside.

“Yes, you’re starting to make me realize that.” He flicks my nose with his finger. “But I have it, and for as long as I do, you will be treated as you should be.”

I make myself comfortable behind the wheel and look at my reflection in the rear-view mirror, admiring how beautiful Rafe’s gift looks. I don’t bother putting my safety belt on. I wait for him to do it because I know it’s what he needs. The fact he’s letting me drive is a huge step for him. I won’t take the small pleasures away from him too. He buckles me up the same way he did before, his palm rubbing across my tummy affectionately when he’s satisfied that we’re secure. Then he kisses my cheek and smiles at me, that smile that never fails to make my insides melt.

I look at the necklace one more time in the mirror before I start the engine and feel guilty for the sadness it brings me. I don’t want to be ungrateful for Rafe’s gift. It’s the most elaborate thing I’ve ever been given. It’s stunningly beautiful, and I know it would have cost Rafe a small fortune.

I love it…

But it’s not my mom’s.


“Please tell me today will be the day,” Riley sighs while I massage more cocoa butter into her overstretched skin. When she noticed a stretch mark in the mirror a few weeks ago, she completely freaked out, and even though I told her they would fade over time, she still insisted we do something about them. So this has become part of my morning ritual.

I fucking love the way Riley’s body has changed. Pregnancy really suits her. Her tits are so swollen and full that I struggle to keep my hands off them, and she wouldn’t believe me if I told her, but I find the fresh pink lines that mark the skin on her stomach sexy.

I’d never admit it to Riley for the risk of her hating me, but I don’t want them to fade. I’m naturally territorial when it comes to her, and watching my child grow inside her has only fed that instinct. The thought of her bearing a permanent reminder of this time on her skin brings me a great deal of satisfaction.

“Viktor says that the baby is ready,” I try reassuring her, despite being worried sick myself. I’ve spent so many months worrying about Riley going into premature labor that I forgot to research the risks of her going past her due date. According to Viktor’s calculations, Riley is ten days overdue. Any more than fourteen would require intervention, and that also comes with its risks.

When I slide my hand over her huge, round belly, our baby responds to me with a nudge of an elbow or a knee. I’ll never tire of feeling our child move around inside her or how incredibly sweet it sounds listening to Riley talk to him when she thinks no one else is listening. It makes all the stress and anxieties I’ve had these past months worth it, and I’ve already decided that I’ll be knocking Riley up again sometime in the very near future.
