Page 63 of Stolen Soul

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“You should rest today. You need to preserve your energy.” I drag myself out of bed and pull on some clothes. Gioele will be here soon, that’s if he hasn’t arrived already. He seemed eager to speak to me about something when he called last night.

“Or… I should keep active and try to evict this little one.” My stubborn girl struggles into a sitting position and attempts to get out of bed. I hold out my arm to aid her to her feet, despite wishing she would just take it easy.

“So, what do you intend to do with yourself?” I roll my eyes as I walk toward the wardrobe to pick her out something to wear. It’s mid-July and pretty damn hot, so I choose a light fabric for her. She’ll look pretty in this little summer dress, her tits will spill over the low, frilly neckline, and the short length will provide easy access. Because if Riley is up for anything strenuous today, it should be my cock.

“I don’t know. Maybe I’ll take a walk around the grounds or see if Sylvia needs some help around the house.”

“No!” I snap quickly, making her jump. “No more helping Sylvia,” I repeat, calming my tone a little. I have to put my foot down on that one, for Sylvia’s sake. Over the past few weeks, Riley seems to have gone stir-crazy. Just a few days ago, she emptied all the kitchen cupboards and rearranged them. It took Sylvia days to work out where everything was.

“I was thinking about moving the furniture in the living room, so it faces the garden instead of the fireplace. We could switch it back around when the winter comes,” Riley suggests, stretching up her arms so I can drag the dress down her body.

“Absolutely not. You are not shifting furniture around.” My head shakes sternly.

“Well, obviously, I’d get Ricardo to do the heavy stuff.” She tuts at me as if I’m being overbearing, and I reach my arms around her ass and crumple the fabric of her dress in my fists.

“Why don’t you take a swim? If you wait until I’ve finished my meeting with Gioele, I might even join you.” Sliding my nose along her cheek, I kiss her temple.

“And then we can do what we did the last time we took a swim together?” she suggests hopefully, her dainty little fingers twisting the buttons on my shirt seductively.

Riley loved it when I fucked her in the pool a few nights ago. After Viktor told us that sex was the most effective way to induce her labor, I decided to get inventive. I had the pool room decorated with candles and roses, although there had been no success on the labor front. We did discover that pool sex was Riley’s new favorite kind.

“If you promise to behave and quit overexerting yourself, then yes, we can do that.” I kiss her on the forehead before making my way out to the hall.

“How’s our mother-to-be?” Sylvia catches me on the stairs. She’s been unable to hide her excitement about the baby coming. The woman’s knitted more blankets than we could ever use and has become much closer to Riley over the past few months.

Sylvia never did have any children of her own, which I believe to be a great shame. She’d been in my parents' service a long time before I was born and has been dedicated to me since I was a child. She would have made a fantastic mother, and I’ve already decided to employ someone to lessen her duties so she can enjoy a more grand maternal role in our child’s life.

“Any developments during the night?” she asks optimistically when I forget to answer her last question.

“Do you think I’d be this calm if there were?” I raise my eyebrows, and the old woman chuckles at me.

“Please tell me she’s tired today. I don’t think I can take her turning my kitchen upside down for a second time.”

“They call it nesting. She wants to rearrange the living room next.” I rub the back of my neck awkwardly. Just lately, I’ve had to approach situations with Riley cautiously. The slightest thing will set her off crying, and as pretty as I find her tears, I really don’t like the idea of her stressing.

“Well, I’m all done in the kitchen. Do you want me to distract her for a little while?” Sylvia offers. I nod and yawn at the same time.

Lack of sleep is starting to have an effect on me now. The closer Riley gets to delivering, the more frequent my nightmares have become. They’ve grown so vivid that I dread closing my eyes, and I can feel my body slowly being drained by them.

“Gioele is already here— he’s in your office,” Sylvia informs me, “and Raphael, you should try to get some sleep. You’re looking worn out.” The concern she’s wearing on her face shows that I’m doing a shit job of hiding how weak I feel at the moment. Sylvia smiles at me before bustling on up the stairs, hopefully, to keep Riley out of trouble until my meeting is over.

Gioele is sipping an espresso when I find him in my office. It’s been a while since we caught up, and I hope this ‘something urgent’ he needs to talk to me about is good news.

“Am I to offer you my congratulations?” he asks, resting the tiny cup on its saucer before placing it on my desk.

“Not yet. The child is proving its stubbornness even before it arrives.” I take a seat at my desk and wait for him to tell me what all this is about.

“I can’t imagine where it would possibly get that from.” Gioele looks back at me judgingly, before clearing his throat and preparing to talk business. “I’ve done some research into the motorcycle club, as you requested. I’ve even managed to get someone watching them from the inside.”

“And?” I’m becoming intrigued.

“They seem pacified by the death of your brother and the takedown of his organization. It also appears they have concerns of their own to keep them busy.”

I throw him a curious look over my desk.

“Some Albanian usurper seems determined to expand his narcotics business in their peaceful little town,” he explains, passing it off as unimportant, and I nod back, feeling satisfied.

The process of me removing myself from the sex trade isn’t moving fast enough for my liking. My brother's death has had its impact on my clientele too, and the Souls have proved to be a lot more ruthless than I had originally given them credit for. They somehow managed to obtain a list of Adriano’s clients and wipe them from existence. More importantly, they did it with a high level of professionalism. Suicides were faked. Deaths were made to look like home invasion homicides, and the ones whose bodies haven’t been found yet, have a trail of evidence that explains their sudden “disappearances.”
