Page 69 of Stolen Soul

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“You give me everything, just like you promised you would.” I shake my head, wondering where this has come from. Raphael has a perfect balance. When he’s not working from his office, the three of us spend our days together as a family. In the short time Gabriel has been in our lives, we’ve already made such wonderful memories. I think back to last week when he took his first steps along the gravel path. Rafe looked so proud when he picked him up and spun him around in the air. I’d felt such unconditional love that I worried my heart could erupt from it. I still have the rose that Rafe picked and tucked in my hair, as we walked back inside the house together, that day. I pressed it— the way me and my mom used to do when I was a little girl.

Raphael has taken to fatherhood so naturally. Yes, he worries too much, and he probably spoils our son far more than he should, but I can’t help but love him for it.

Despite giving every ounce of his energy to Gabriel, Rafe still always manages to find time to make me feel adored. He lavishes me with gifts that I don’t need. He cooks for me because, apparently, he likes the noises I make when I eat. And once our little boy is sleeping soundly in his bed, it’s me who gets all of his attention.

Some nights he makes love to me like I’m made of glass, and he’s scared I’ll shatter. Then others, he punishes my body like I’m his little fuck toy.

What we have is perfect.

“I want to ask something of you, Riley, which is selfish, considering you’ve given me so much already.” His voice is low, and I sense his nerves through it. I already know what Raphael wants. Despite all the worrying he did while I was pregnant with Gabriel and telling me after his birth that he never wanted me to go through it again, he wants another child. And it would be criminal of me not to give him one.

Our son is adorable, and being a mother has proven to be the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done. That, and the fact I swear the man in front of me was born for the sole purpose of being a father, is the reason I won’t refuse him.

“I want us to have another child, a little sister, for Gabriel,” he tells me, his forehead creasing while he awaits my response.

“You know you don’t get to pick what you get, right?” I smile playfully, making him suffer a little longer.

“There are things we can do to sway the odds in our favor. Certain diets and times of the month when it’s more likely we would conceive a girl. I researched it.” He lifts his shoulders into a shrug, and I have to stop myself from laughing because he’s being very serious.

“Does your need for control hold no boundaries?” I ask.

“I like to have as much of it as I can.” He takes the wine from the waiter and pours some into my glass.

“Honestly, I don’t really care if we have another son or a beautiful daughter. I just want to make more children with you, Riley, a couple more in fact.”

“Sure,” I nod casually, taking a sip of my wine. It’s delicious, fresh, and crisp, and I can’t wait to taste the food here too.

“I thought you’d take a little more convincing,” Rafe laughs. He always looks so handsome when he’s happy.

“Why? I think it will be good for Gabriel to have a little brother or sister.” I lower my voice and lean across the table. “And I love how antsy you get when you're trying to knock me up.” I tease the toe of my shoe up his leg and let it rest between his thighs.

Rafe bites down on his bottom lip, and a thrill shocks my body when he snatches my ankle in his hand, squeezing it so tight I feel him bruising. “Careful, Briga,” he warns. “I might choose to knock you up right here on this table.” He rubs his thick bottom lip against the top one like he’s thinking about me spread out in front of him. It makes my pussy scream for his attention.

I somehow manage to calmly sip my wine before I look over my shoulder to check the waiter is out of earshot.

“I don’t see the need to wait. We both know what we want,” I tease, sucking my index finger into my mouth before I slide it beneath the table. Rafe has very strict rules about me touching myself. It’s only ever to be done on his command, but all this talk of him knocking me up has me horny enough to push his patience and suffer the consequences.

“Riley,” he warns, pulling air through his nostrils. I’m just about to slip my finger inside my panties when the sound of his cell ringing interrupts us. He quickly pulls it out of his suit, no doubt worrying that it’s Sylvia. I watch his confusion turn to a frown before he answers.

He’s only been on the phone a few seconds before his face turns murderous. So murderous that I worry something’s happened to Gabriel.

“I’m an hour away. I’m leaving now.” He stands up on his feet. “She will have to come with me.” He looks down at me like I’ve suddenly become an inconvenience, cutting the call and placing his phone back in his pocket.

“We have to leave.” He holds out his hand to pull me up from the table, scaring me with the tension in his grip and the heat burning in his eyes.

“Please tell chef Marco that we will return and sample his menu another time. I have an urgent matter to attend to,” he explains to the waiter before practically dragging me out of the restaurant, crushing my fingers as he leads me to the car.

“What’s happened? Is it Gabriel?” I ask, fearing the worst. Rafe shakes his head, and I quickly realize that he’s not worried. He’s angry. Furious, in fact.

“I have to deal with a situation. The place where I need to be is an hour east from here, and I haven’t got time to take you back home first.” He explains, sounding like he’s torn.

“Okay, then we go. Don’t worry, Sylvia will be fine with Gabriel.” I stroke my palm over his shoulder, trying to ease him down. I know tonight was important to him, and it was a lovely thought, but life happens, and I know that Rafe’s work is important to him.

The little he’s told me is that he inherited the business from his father, and seeing he’s such a proud man, I know he feels the pressure to maintain its success.

“I haven’t got a fucking choice,” he growls, opening the door for me to get inside and waiting for me to get settled before he slams it shut and rests his ass against the window. I watch him trying to breathe himself calm, and can’t help wondering how serious this situation is.

Rafe remains silent and drives much faster than usual on our journey toward whatever the emergency is. I hold on to the door handle as he shifts the gearstick aggressively and makes what he told me would be an hour-long trip in less than forty-five minutes.
