Page 79 of Stolen Soul

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“I run my business a little differently these days,” I start, deciding to keep Danato closer than I intended until I know how much damage he could do. “I actually have a client in Pueblo. Do you know Kenny Gutierrez?”

“Kenny, yeah, I know him. He runs a couple of crack houses. The Souls have hit his business hard.”

“I have four girls that need to be delivered to him. You can arrange the exchange with him in Pueblo. I’ll let you take control of this one and see how we go from there.”

“Moving anything in Pueblo at the moment is sure to get the Souls’ attention,” Danato warns.

“Oh, I’m counting on it,” I tell him, unlocking my top drawer and taking out one of the pictures I have of Liam Hayes.

“When you get that attention, I want you to make sure you kill this one.” I slide the photo across the desk at him and watch him study it hard. “I believe they call him Storm. He’s a Prospect. He will be shadowing them because he’s learning. And I want you to put a Verretti bullet right between his eyes.”

“He isn’t the one who killed my father.” The boy proves he knows a lot more than I gave him credit for on the details of his father’s death.

“No. Brax Marshall is the man who killed your father. And I am the man who will kill him.” I take out another photograph, one of the pretty blonde girl who belongs to him. Unfortunately for her, that’s made her my primary target.

“I thought you’d be buying the man a drink instead of wanting him dead,” Danato laughs. He knows my relationship with Adriano was rocky at best.

“He took the privilege from me,” I explain, and anyone who fucks with a Verretti should be made an example of. Standing up from my desk, I make my way toward the door.

“I’ll send you all the details you will need regarding Kenny. In the future, I would appreciate it if you didn’t visit unannounced.” I open the door and hold it open for him to leave.

“And if I shoot this fucker, what will I get?” Danato asks as he passes me.

“More respect from me than you deserve,” I tell him with a bitter smile before gesturing for him to exit through the front door.

“What did that asswipe want?” Ricardo appears from around the corner.

“Family loyalty,” I snigger.

“How’s my girl been?” I ask, appreciating how closely Ricardo watches over my family when I’m not around.

“She’s been good— she seems much happier,” he assures me.

“Still off her food?” I check. I have a strong suspicion Riley’s pregnant again. She’s not eating, and that’s how she was at the start of her last pregnancy. She’s also progressively tired and moody these days.

“Yeah, boss, but she’s making the effort,” he tells me.

“You should take the night off,” I tell him, and he nods back at me gratefully. When he goes to walk away, I’m reminded of something Gioele told me this morning that’s been weighing on my mind.

“Are your family having money problems, Ricardo?” he suddenly stops in his tracks and looks back at me.

“No,” he shakes his head.

“You know you would only have to ask if they were,” I tell him.

“What makes you think that?” he asks, almost sounding defensive.

“Gioele told me you sold some shares a few days ago. It just seemed a little odd. You usually ask my advice on your investments.”

“Good to know Gioele hasn’t lost his touch,” Ricardo sniggers, trying to change the subject. He’s a proud man and I’ve probably shamed him enough by asking.

“I pay Gioele to know everything,” I remind him.

“Gioele serves you well,” he points out.

“As do you, my friend. Which is why, if you needed anything, I’d expect you to ask me.”

“Gotcha, boss.” He tips his chin at me before walking away. I can sense he’s not telling me something, but I don’t have the time nor the patience to dwell on it. I need to find my girl and ensure that if she’s not already knocked up. She will be by the end of the day.
