Page 9 of Stolen Soul

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“What are they?” She puts down her glass and sets a serious look on her face.

“You will have the freedom of movement around this house, but I have armed guards that are all ordered to shoot to kill if you decide to try to run from me,” I threaten, and though she looks a little shocked, it’s not the fear I expected.

“You must trust me, trust that I know what is good for you,” I continue to explain, and when she breaks out into a tiny laugh, it makes my jaw tense.

“How could you possibly know what’s good for me?” she questions me, which is irritating in itself. How fucking dare she?

“Because I can read you,” I decide to answer her. “I know that this confidence is all an act and that deep inside, you are just a scared little girl. You can’t lie to me, Riley, and you can’t hide yourself from me.”

“What is your name?” She tilts her head curiously, seeming unfazed by what I’ve just told her.

“You don’t need to know my name.” I shake my head as I raise my glass from the table and bring it to my lips. She shocks me when she stands up from her chair and moves closer to me. Then, resting the tip of her index finger on my shoulder, she slides it across my back as she moves behind me and leans down to my ear.

“I disagree. I think I should know your name.”

Her husky whisper teases, and my cock turns to steel merely from her lips being close to my skin.

“And why’s that?” I take a calm, steady breath through my nostrils.

“Because I’m going to scream it,” she promises seductively.

It makes me grip the armrests of my chair to hold myself back, and that is not how this works. When I fuck this girl, it will be on my terms. She will be the desperate one, aching and begging, prepared to fall apart for me.

“I’m going to scream your name for the devil to take you after my brother puts a bullet between your eyes.” Her soft whisper becomes a harrowing threat, and pure rage douses my arousal. The girl squeals when I snatch up her tiny body and throw her onto the table in front of me. I don’t care that the plates shatter and the glasses smash. Food scatters all over the floor, and when my hair falls out of place, some of it covering my eyes, I still see the horror on her face.

Climbing over her body, I force her legs apart with my knee and make sure she feels my solid cock touch between her legs.

“I could make your brother dead within the hour,” I warn, bracing my hands on either side of her head.

She may be petrified, but she doesn’t look away from me. She holds her eyes firm to mine, attempting to show me no fear.

“Don’t fuck with me, Riley. I’m not a patient man.”

“What will you do, kill me?” She lifts her head at me, and it burns me up inside.

“I’ll make you suffer until you beg me for death,” I threaten, watching her pretty eyes grow wide as I sit back on my knees and rip open the shirt she’s wearing. The buttons fly loose, scattering on the floor, and she looks fucking beautiful laid out in front of me.

Her chest is rising and falling fast enough for me to know she’s terrified. I see the flicker of fear in her ice-blue eyes when I press my palm against her tight stomach, and she shivers slightly as I let my fingers absorb her soft skin. Keeping the pressure tense, I slowly push it higher up her body, through the valley that her pretty round tits make, then wrap my fingers around the sacred little trinket she wears around her neck. I rip hard enough for the chain to break and snatch it from her body.

“You won’t be needing this anymore. I am the only god you’ll be praying to from now on, and you can call me Rafe.” I have to force myself to pull away from her before I fuck her virgin cunt raw on my table as punishment for toying with me.

Marching across the room, I throw open the doors. I don’t torture myself by looking back at her, instead my gaze is fixed forward. Ricardo looks startled as he shoots up from the chair he was resting in.

“Take her back to her room.” I slide my hands through my hair, attempting to tame it back into place as I head straight to my office.

“Take it dinner went well?” he calls after me, but I ignore him, slamming the door behind me and locking it.

I need a barrier to keep me from her before she makes me lose any more control. How dare the little bitch threaten me? People have lost their lives for much less.

Opening my fist to look at what rests in my palm, I realize I’ve clenched the tiny crucifix so tight that it’s drawn blood. I rub over the gold with my thumb. It’s not expensive. 18-carat at best. But it means something to her. I watched how all that determination and hate, mixed with a little fear, had turned instantly into sadness when I took it from her.

This is just the start of what I will take.

I open my top drawer and place it inside, locking it shut before fixing myself another drink.

The girl is going to be a challenge, possibly my biggest test yet, because of the effect she has on me.

But nothing is unbreakable.
