Page 23 of Captivated

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Will opens a bottle of red wine, and he pours for Kennedy, me, and himself. Skye has a glass of sparkling grape juice.

Before long, Maggie returns with our meals—Beef Wellington served with mashed potatoes and roasted baby carrots. “Save room for some chocolate fudge cake,” she says, and Penny cheers.

Dinner is delicious, of course. I’d expect nothing less from Maggie, who’s a genius in the kitchen. We barely have room for dessert, but we’ll make an effort.

“Where’s your mom?” Kennedy asks Skye.

“She’s at home grading exams. I suspect she wanted to give us some time alone to catch up.”

“So, Kennedy,” I say as we’re settling down to dessert. “How’s The Big Apple treating you?” I just want to get her talking so I can hear her voice.

Kennedy swallows a bite of cake. “Fine.”

“And work?”

She takes another bite. “It’s great.”

I clasp my hands together under the table and will her to look at me for more than a few measly seconds.

Look at me, damn it.

But my wishful thinking is met only by Kennedy’s profile. She feigns a yawn as Maggie brings in tea and coffee on a silver tray.

After more conversation, the meal comes to an end.

When the baby awakens and starts fussing, Skye stands. “It’s time for his dinner. I’ll take Nicky upstairs to nurse, then see about putting him to bed.”

Kennedy rises to her feet. “I’ll come with you, if it’s okay. It’ll give us a chance to catch up.”

Skye lifts the squirming baby. “I would love that.” Then to her husband, she says, “Would you mind helping Penny get ready for bed?”

“Absolutely,” Will says just before he finishes off his glass of wine.

I recline in my seat and watch as Kennedy follows Skye out of the room. I lean forward, grab the fluted stem of my wine glass, and swallow the contents down in one.

“All right, Penny,” Will prompts. “You heard Mummy. It’s time to get ready for bed.”

With a sigh, the little girl pushes out her chair and hops down. She rounds the table to give me a hug. “G’night, Uncle Connor. Will you play with me again tomorrow?”

“You can count on it,” I say as I reach out to ruffle her hair.

Penny heads for the stairs. “Are you coming, Daddy?”

“Yes, I’ll be right up to check you’ve brushed your teeth. Make sure you do a good job.”

“I will,” she promises as she disappears from sight.

“And don’t forget to use toothpaste!” Will reminds her.

As soon as we’re alone, I slump back in my seat.

Will studies me. “All right, what’s wrong?”

I sigh heavily. “The four of us together again—it’s like old times, except it isn’t.”

Will nods as though he understands what I’m feeling. “You still love her.”

It’s not a question, but I nod anyway and meet his gaze. His is filled with compassion whereas I’m still reeling inside from what she told me about my grandfather. I’m ashamed of what the old man said to her. I feel as though I’ve lost the battle before it even began. “I don’t know how to fix this, Will. Did you see her at dinner? She couldn’t even bring herself to look at me.”
