Page 32 of Captivated

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“Come on, Aunt Kennedy,” Penny says as she bats her long lashes at me. “Pleeease?”

“Yes, Kennedy,” Connor says. “Pleeease?” He bats his lashes as well, which makes Penny break into peals of laughter.

Yes, he’s definitely up to something. And why does that fill me with a sense of anticipation I haven’t felt in a very long time?

* * *

“Don’t you want to change into your swimming costume?” Connor asks me as we stroll down to the lake. “In case you fall in. You wouldn’t want to get your clothes wet.”

Will is walking ahead of us, Penny holding his hand and skipping eagerly.

“I’m fine as I am.”

“Suit yourself,” Connor says as we pass by the cottage on our way to the dock.

A shiny white boat that looks like it could easily seat a dozen people bobs in the water alongside the dock.

Will opens a wooden storage box and pulls out three lifejackets, two bright orange ones designed for adults and a bright pink, child-size one. He helps Penny put hers on and buckles it securely. Then he offers me one of the adult lifejackets.

“Thanks,” I say, “but I can swim.”

“Lake rules,” Penny says. “Everyonewears a lifejacket while boating. Even Daddy.”

Connor shrugs as he slips into one of the orange jackets. “You heard her, Kennedy.Lake rules.”

I haven’t seen Connor this playful since we arrived, and it makes me smile. “All right,” I say as I slip the lifejacket on and secure the buckles. Then the four of us walk out to the end of the dock, where the boat is tethered securely in place.

Will helps Penny into the boat, and she immediately takes a seat on the passenger bench in the rear. Connor offers me his hand, and I take it as I step on board. I don’t have the best sea legs, and the last thing I want to do is fall overboard. I take a seat next to Penny.

Lastly, Connor steps on and takes the captain’s seat behind the wheel.

Will loosens the mooring ropes and tosses them into the boat. “You’re all gassed up and ready to go. Have fun.” He looks to his daughter. “You be a good girl and listen to Kennedy and Connor, all right?”

“I will,” Penny says as she bounces eagerly on her seat.

“Aren’t you coming with us?” I ask Will, suddenly feeling a bit panicked. I’d assumed he’d be coming, too. He’d be a great buffer between me and Connor.

Will props his hands on his hips and nods back toward the house. “I think I’ll take advantage of the opportunity to nap with Skye and Nicky.”

Connor looks quite at home sitting in the captain’s chair. Leaning back in his seat, he starts the engine with ease and deftly steers the boat away from the dock. Clearly, he’s done this before.

Will waves as we head toward the middle of the lake. Gradually, Connor increases the speed until the wind is blowing through our hair and the boat skims over the water’s surface. Penny squeals as a fine mist of spray hits us in the face. I grip the chrome rail behind us with one hand, while I wrap my free arm around Penny to hold her securely in place.

Penny bounces eagerly on the bench. “Faster, Uncle Connor! Go faster!”

“I’m sure this is fast enough,” I say loudly, trying to be heard over the engine and the splash of water.

To Penny’s delight, Connor speeds up as he makes several large loops around the lake before he eventually slows the boat to a more relaxed pace. “Are you ladies having fun?” he asks as he glances back with a grin.

“Go fast again!” Penny says.

Connor laughs as he looks me over. “I think Kennedy’s had enough of fast for the time being.”

We explore the perimeter of the lake at a leisurely pace, ducking at times when tree branches hang low over our heads.

“Watch out for the spiders,” Penny warns me. She makes a disgusted face. “They’ll get in your hair.”

Periodically, as we pass along the shoreline, we hear a loud croaking sound followed by a splash as a bullfrog jumps into the water. Occasionally, a fish will jump, breaking the surface before falling back into the lake. We even spot three turtles sunbathing on a floating log.
