Page 38 of Captivated

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I grin at the double entendre that I’m sure she didn’t mean to make. “Perhaps I do, but why spoil the surprise?” I shouldn’t tease her, but I can’t help it. My body is remembering what it was like when we were together. She affects me the same now as she did back then. I’m desperate to hold her in my arms again, to stroke and taste every inch of her delectable body, but I’m afraid if I make a move in her direction, I’ll scare her away. “Don’t sound too surprised. I know a thing or two about fine dining.”

We eat in silence, both of us trying not to get caught looking at the other. It’s like a cat and mouse game. We’re both acting like there’s nothing going on here—we’re just two friends enjoying a meal together—but that’s a lie. At least it is for me.

There’s a whole lot more going on between us than meets the eye, and I don’t know how much longer I can pretend otherwise.

Chapter 14

Kennedy Takahashi

Lunch is absolutely delicious, and I’m still amazed that Connor is learning how to cook. He used to live on noodles, left-over pizza, and carry-out. If anyone did any cooking at all, it was me. I take the last bite of my salmon. “Thank you for an amazing meal, Connor.”

“You’re welcome.” He looks truly pleased by the compliment. “It was my pleasure.”

After we’re done eating, we wash the dishes together. It’s amazing how easily we fall back into our old routine. I wash, and he dries.

We stand side-by-side in front of the sink, and occasionally his arm brushes against mine. I don’t bother trying to put space between us anymore. It feels so natural, this closeness. And it feels sogood. I realize how badly I miss this and how much I want it back.

How badly I want him back.

After the last dish is washed, dried, and put away, he dries his hands on a kitchen towel and turns to face me, his arms crossed over his chest. He’s wearing his we-need-to-talk expression. “Kennedy.” His voice is low, laced with emotion.

As I turn to face him, my pulse picks up speed. “Yes?”

“I’m going to be honest with you, Ken. My feelings for you haven’t changed, and I’m hoping yours haven’t changed either. I can’t undo the damage my grandfather did, but it’s in the past. He’s no longer relevant, so you don’t have to worry about protecting me.” He reaches out to touch my cheek. “We were so happy, at least I thought we were. Was I wrong?”

I shake my head. My throat is tight, and I don’t trust myself to speak.

His thumb brushes my cheek. “I wish you’d told me what my grandfather said to you on the day of the party. I would have told him to butt out, that whom I love is my choice, not his.”

“It wasn’t that easy, Connor. Your entire future was at stake. All that money and property. You risked losing it all because of me. I couldn’t let that happen.”

“How many times do I have to say it?Youwere more important to me than any inheritance. Damn it, Kennedy!” Frustration edges his voice. “Why didn’t you tell me? We could have avoided all this hurt and pain.”

Tears flood my eyes, and my chest tightens as guilt overwhelms me. “I never wanted to hurt you.” My voice breaks.

But I did hurt him.

He doesn’t say the words, but they hang in the air between us.

I shake my head. “It wasn’t that easy. I didn’t want to come between you and your family. You would have lost everything.”

Connor’s voice raises as does his temper. “I did lose everything, Ken. I lostyou. The rest was immaterial.”

“A multi-billion-pound fortune is not immaterial, Connor. Be serious.”

“I am.” His expression falls, and the pain radiating from him makes my heart hurt. “I would have traded it all for you. Every last penny. My job, the money, all of it.”

He pulls me close, and his arms feel so good around me, so strong. He’s no longer a boy, but a man to be reckoned with.

Connor gently grips my chin and forces me to look him in the eye. “Kennedy, I want you back. You’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever met.”

Shaking my head, I laugh bitterly. “Far from it.”

He pulls back slightly as his gaze drops to my mouth. His intentions are crystal clear, but in case they aren’t, he spells them out. “I’m about three seconds away from kissing you, Ken. If you don’t want that, then I suggest you speak up now.One.”

I swallow hard, unable to speak past the lump in my throat. Instead, I nod, because right now, there’s nothing I want more than to feel his mouth on mine. I don’t care if it’s foolish or a mistake, or if I’ll regret it afterward. And maybe it’s selfish of me. I just know I need this. I haven’t felt this kind of blistering desire in a very long time.

“Two.” He leans in closer, his mouth just inches from mine.
