Page 68 of Captivated

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This could turn into a giant disaster if it doesn’t work out the way I hope it will, but there’s only one way to find out.

When Kennedy comes out of the bathroom, her face is freshly washed and devoid of make-up, her hair is brushed to a shine and pulled back into a ponytail, and she’s wearing a pink pajama shorts and matching top. No bra, I might add.

She looks like a vision.

When she spots the champagne chilling on the table, as well as the lit candle she looks at me. “What’s going on?”

“I thought we should celebrate.”


“The fact that you’re the new landlord of this building, of course.”

“Oh.” She visibly relaxes. “Great idea.”

I open the bottle and fill our glasses. Then I hand her one.

Kennedy rises up on the tips of her toes and places a kiss on my cheek.

“To you,” I say.

I’m about to touch my glass to hers when she says, “To you, Connor. For being the amazing man you are.” Her dark eyes glitter as she takes a breath and continues. “For being the best friend I could ever hope for. For being so bloody annoying at times, and yet totally lovable at the same time.”

I tip my head. “Careful sayingbloody.Anyone would think I’m rubbing off on you.”

“That wouldn’t be the worst thing.” She laughs, and we touch glasses once more. “To you, Connor.”

“To us,” I counter. I’m determined to turn the direction of the toast around in our favor.

The fire is back in her eyes. “Tous.”

As we each take a sip, we stand there gazing at one another for a full minute, naturally gravitating toward one another. I lean down about to claim her lips, but step back suddenly. “I warn you, I’m about to kiss you, but before I do, there’s something I want to say.”

“And what’s that?”

“I love you, Kennedy. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to marry you and have a family with you.”

She swallows hard. “Connor—”

“Before you respond, I want you to know I’ve been thinking about this—how we’d manage the logistics. We could split our time between New York and London. That way, you won’t have to choose.”

Her eyes widen in shock. “Are you serious?”

“You have your job here, and your family. And now you’re the landlord of a block of flats. I couldn’t possibly tear you away from all that.”

“But you can’t give up your job at Carmichael & Son. It’s your family’s legacy. Besides, your mother would be devastated if you moved here.”

“Not more so than yours.” I set my glass down, then hers as well, and take both of her hands in mine. “I will follow you to the ends of the Earth. Just say where.”

“But what about all your properties in England?”

“I have staff to maintain them. The properties will get along fine without me. I like your idea about alternating our time between the US and the UK. I can keep working for Carmichael & Son remotely, as Will does. It’s not a big deal.”

I can see the wheels turning as she thinks over my proposal. “It’s too great of a sacrifice,” she says. Then she gestures to her flat. “And clearly this place is too small for the both of us.”

I shrug. “I was thinking we’d get a nice penthouse in Manhattan, something overlooking Central Park. You can keep your job at Wentner, and your promotion. I’ll keep my job. It’s the perfect arrangement. We’ll still see Will and Skye frequently. We could even coordinate our schedule with theirs.”

She looks dumbfounded. “You’d be willing to do that?”
