Page 36 of Feel My Love

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My darling Leo…

I’ve loved you forever and always will. I can’t be with you anymore. It’s too painful to know what I can’t give you, what I can’t be for you. Please don’t try to find me. Let me go, for both our sakes, let me go.

I need to start over...try to figure out who I am without my mother running my life or your constant strength holding me up.

It’s time to learn to stand on my own feet.

I know you’ll hurt. That you’ll think you can save me again. I leave you with one promise…I won’t hurt myself. I swear to you I won’t. I realize now it was the coward’s way out and it spit in the face of every single thing you’ve ever done for me. I’ve left an email address at the bottom of this letter and you can write me.

I need time, Leo. You once said you’d give me anything I needed. This is what I need. I can still smell you on my skin. It comforts me to have that. You loved me so well the first time…even better the last. I have those memories to carry me through.

Thank you for loving me. For always being the best man, even when you were just a boy. Keep being that person and maybe we’ll meet again one day. I carry years of your strength with me, Leo. It will keep me safe.

It’s time to live your life, love. To start what I’ve delayed for so long. For me…do what you were always meant to do. Find love again with a woman who’s worthy of it. It will give me peace to know you have what you deserve.

I love you, Leo. I’m sorry.

Your Amelia

Walking into the bedroom Amelia had slept in for the past months, every trace of her was gone as he knew it would be.

He stepped out on the balcony of her bedroom and lit one of the cigarettes she’d left behind. It burned his throat and made his eyes water but he forced himself to finish it as his heart shattered and his entire world flipped upside down.

Leo was a man of his word and Amelia knew that about him. He would give her what she needed because he promised he would. In spite of his own needs, in spite of his own grief, in spite of everything...he would let her go.

Going to his knees, Leo sobbed for all that had been lost. His heart broke for the second time in two months as the true realization that Amelia was gone washed over him.

The pain swallowed him whole.
