Page 53 of Feel My Love

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Steven Kampo, her dad’s long-time attorney and best friend, stepped behind the podium. “I have a letter that Gil asked me to read on his behalf. In the note attached to it, he said his heart had been failing for a while and he expected it to quit on him any day.”

Augusta, I fell for you the first moment I saw you behind that drugstore counter. We loved one another so well and when we had Amelia, I was the happiest man on Earth. Despite your mistakes, I never stopped loving you. I forgive you.

Amelia, you are the light of my life and have been from the day you were born. I’m sorry for so many things. Go after what you want and know you’re perfect in every way that really matters. I’ll miss laughing with you, singing silly songs with you, and making up pretend names for different species of birds. No one ever saw the humor in it but you. I love you, I love you, I love you, sweetheart.

Leo, you’ve loved and protected my daughter from the start - along with your sassy mother and distinguished father. I wish I could see what happens next. Keep an eye on my Amy.

To everyone else who’s drifted in and out of my life, thank you for the memories. Most of them were happy and I’m not afraid.

All my love,


Leo and Amelia held hands tightly as she tried to hold back her jagged sobs. His parents sat at their sides, comforting them. The casket was picked up and carried down the aisle to the hearse. The four of them rose to walk behind it.

As they passed Augusta, Leo stumbled slightly at the sight of the older woman’s crumpled frame and wet cheeks. Painful weeping wracked her frame but her grief was silent.

Amelia understood that, like her father, Leo was unable to be intentionally cruel to anyone.

Even her mother.

She nodded and Leo stepped into the pew to help Augusta to her feet. They positioned her between them as they made their way to the car.

The moment they were closed inside, Augusta wailed brokenly, “I’m so sorry. I regret so many things. I know you hate me and I deserve it, Amelia. I don’t deserve forgiveness but I’m begging you for it anyway. Please, Amy. Please.”

Shaking uncontrollably, Amelia wanted to recoil from the painful memories Augusta inspired. She never wanted to think about that period of her life.

Grief and fury bubbled up but she managed to hold them back by remembering her father.

“I-I don’t know if I can forgive you, Augusta,” she answered softly. “I don’t know if I have that inside me.” Swallowing, she added, “I can try. Dad would want me to try.”

Throwing herself on the floor of the limo, Augusta bowed over Amelia’s lap. “That’s all I ask. It’s more than I deserve. Thank you. Thank you, Amy.”

Leo bodily lifted Augusta to the seat and she grabbed his hand. “I’m sorry for everything. I was vile, greedy. I lost my mind chasing something I don’t even know when I started wanting. I’m so sorry, Leo.”

“Thank you, Augusta.”

Without looking at her, Amelia said tightly, “Don’t push. Don’t expect instant results. I-I can’t handle it.”

“I understand. I swear it. Whatever you want, Amy.” Augusta sat back and frantically wiped at her face and blew her nose. “I look a wreck. I don’t want Gil to see me like this. I don’t…” Then she was sobbing again. “I ruined everything and lost the only man I ever loved.”

It was Sarabeth who moved to sit beside Augusta. Removing a fresh handkerchief from her clutch, she carefully wiped the other woman’s face.

“Deep breath, aye?” Augusta nodded. “That’s it. There’s a lot of emotion today so let’s focus on breathin’ and payin’ our respects te Gil. By now, he’s at the pearly gates wonderin’ about all the cryin’ and such. One step at a time moves ye forward. Movin’ too quick lands ye in the ditch.”

Laughing through her tears, Augusta told Sarabeth, “Gil used to say he could listen to you talk all day even if he didn’t understand half of it...because you said it with gusto.”

Sarabeth looked at Amelia and gave her a wink. “A good man, yer father.”

“He really was.”

She held Leo’s hand and he gripped her back tightly. Closing her eyes, she sent a little silent prayer to her dad. “I swear to try. It’s going to take a while so be patient.”

Her heart skipped a little and a line from one of the cutesy songs in the Rudolph movie popped randomly into her head.

There’s always tomorrow,

For dreams to come true,

Tomorrow is not far away.

Tears slipped from the corners of her eyes but Amelia smiled. “I hear you, Dad. I get it.”

Beside her, there for her in every way, was Leo.

Her Leo.
