Page 55 of Feel My Love

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“I missed you, too.”

They kissed again and he took her hand. “When this is over, I’m going to make sure you eat, put you in a bubble bath, and then remind myself what every inch of your body tastes like.”

She released a low moan. “I love the way you think, Leo.”

They returned to the guests in the great room. They were talking quietly with Leo’s parents when Augusta returned from outside with Steven by her side.

She looked like she’d been crying.

Steven bent to kiss Amelia’s cheek. “I’m going to stop by and see you in the next couple of days. We need to go over Gil’s will and a few other things.” She nodded and swiped at her tears. “I want you to know that the day you were born, Gil passed out cold. He came out to tell Linda and me that he had a little girl and just...went out. When he came to, he looked up at me and asked if he’d dreamed it, dreamed you, because it seemed too good to be real.”

Hugging her torso, Amelia struggled not to break down.

“I told him it wasn’t a dream and I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a smile.” Steven put his hands on his hips. “After you came back to visit the first time, he called me and said it felt like a dream...too good to be real.”

He shook his head. “Gil wasn’t perfect but he was the purest soul I ever knew. You’re just like him, Amelia. You always have been.” Inclining his head at Leo, he added, “Take what you want and never look back. Be selfish and grab what you deserve without apology. Give me a call when you have an hour for the paperwork.”

“Thank you for being here, Steven.”

Inhaling deeply, he said sadly, “I always assumed I’d go first. It feels wrong that he did.”

Amelia reached out and put her hand on his shoulder. “Dad would say the same thing.”

“Yeah. Knowing him, he’d be a blubbering mess.”

Giving a tearful laugh, Amelia said, “Only guy I knew who wondered about the rest of the story behind a Kleenex or Kodak commercial. They got him every time.”

Steven hugged her and whispered, “Old softy.”

“Yeah,” she agreed.

“See you later, sweetheart. Call me if you need me.” He nodded to everyone else and left the house.

Augusta remained quiet until the last of the mourners drifted away. Then she kept her eyes on the floor and said, “I’m going to leave. Uh, Steven asked me to join him when he comes by to read the will. I-I hope that’s alright.”

“It is.”

Amelia considered everything she thought and felt: everything that had happened, would happen, and other things that would never happen because of the woman in front of her.

Plenty of anger still bubbled beneath the surface.

Pain still throbbed deep inside her.

Still...they’d all paid in different ways for Augusta’s actions and it was time to stop paying.

Clearing her throat, Amelia asked quietly, “Would you like to join us for dinner?”

“No. Th-thank you, Amy.” Augusta’s voice was quiet and she shook her head. “I’ll give you time to process without me here.” Lifting her face, she stared at Amelia with identical eyes. “Your dad loved me despite my flaws.” She cleared her throat. “We spoke on the phone a couple of weeks ago and...I told him I never stopped loving him and I-I was sorry for the pain I caused. I relieved I said those words to him.” Using a handkerchief, she wiped her face. “I need to grieve tonight for the years I stole from so many.”

Raising her hand in a sort of wave, Augusta turned and left.

Leo murmured, “A moment.” He went outside and called to Augusta before she got in her car. He frowned. “What happened to your driver?”

“I haven’t had one in years.” She swallowed hard. “I won’t hurt her. I swear it, Leo. Y-you don’t have to warn me.”

“I wasn’t going to. I can see the regrets you carry.” She closed her eyes. “I wanted to ask a favor.”

“Anything…” she responded instantly.
