Page 18 of Coming Home

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“You couldneverbe pathetic. You’ve lived every moment of your life balls-to-the-wall and though slowing down so drastically must be agonizing to a man such as yourself, I hope you find comfort in the great memories you’ve accumulated over your lifetime. I’m sure there are few things you haven’t seen or done.”

“I’m as stricken by your compassion as your beauty.”

“Thank you, Bennett.” Rowan cleared her throat delicately. “As far as sex, you picked the least experienced person in the world to discussthatwith.” His eyes flicked down to her breasts.

“I’m sorry. Your words confuse me, Rowan.” His eyes snapped to hers. “Are you saying you’re a virgin?”

“I am. Does that bother you?”

A strangled laugh bubbled up his throat and he mumbled, “I’ve never felt such temptation.” He pressed his eyes with the fingers of his other hand and took several deep breaths. “If I asked for an examination to confirm your virginity, would you think me barbaric?”

“I wouldn’t but you should know that lots of women don’t have an intact hymen. I guess men think there’s a way to prove such a thing but it’s not always true. I’m a runner. Maybe that delicate bit of skin is there, maybe it’s not...but I’ve never had sex with anyone.”

He released a full laugh and Rowan felt her heart stumble a bit in her chest.

“Has anyone ever asked for proof of your virginity?”

“Of course not. I don’t interact with people, remember? I assume if you want that, there’s a reason...or a kink. I don’t know, but I don’t care. If you get your proof, fine. If you don’t, it won’t change my life at all. I know the truth.” Inhaling deeply, she tried to decipher their odd conversation. “Bennett, you don’t need to talk in circles.”

“I want you to marry me, Rowan.”

Chapter Four

Bennett’s voice was matter of fact and Rowan’s mouth dropped open.

“Wh-what? You don’t evenknowme.” It was impossible to conceal how shocked she was.

He tugged her and she moved closer. “I’m an excellent judge of character.”

Quirking her brow, she asked, “Yousureabout that? It seems your business acumen abandons you with women.”

“Touché. I admit several missteps in that area.”

“Marriage seems pretty extreme for someone you met three days ago. I mean, youknowit will fuel the competency suit.”

“I need someone who will fightwithme andforme, Rowan. I told you my beneficiaries are trying to take everything I’ve worked for, sell it off piece by piece, and split the profits…how did you feel about that?”

“It made me furious. Hire a thousand of the most aggressive shark lawyers in the United States to rip them to shreds. Put a microscope on everything.”

“Like what?” he asked with interest.

“All of it. Every aspect of their lives from their acquaintances, to their work history, and academic performance. I’d shine a bright light on every minute and show them you’re willing to keep them tied up in court for the next hundred years.”

Bennett grinned. “What else?”

“I’d evict them from any properties you own and cut off every single line of credit paid for by you. Don’t leave them hungry or homeless...but take away the lifestyle that means so much to them. Give them economy cars to drive, grocery limits. Then, once you have them shaking in their boots, offer realistic settlements. Present them as a final offer once you have them begging for mercy. Either take it or you won’t see a dime for decades.”

“The prospect of living in a tiny apartment or driving a Toyota would send them into fits.”

“Exactly. I live off of less than a hundred dollars a week. I bet cutting them down to five thousand a month would make them feel desperate and oppressed.” Staring into his gorgeous green eyes, she added, “I’m sure there are hundreds of people willing to fight for you, Bennett. The last damn thing you need is another wife and believe me, your family would pounce on me as a gold digging bitch.”

The silence drew out between them. Then a slow smile spread across his face. “Five more minutes with you and I’ll be completely in love for the first time in my life.”

She was unable to formulate a thought. Her eyes felt huge in her face.

“I’m almost fifty-eight, Rowan. It’s unlikely I’ll live another year. I haven’t been with a woman in four years. The realization of how many times I fucked casually, taken women simply because they were available and willing, has never struck me as gluttonous until this moment. Perhaps this is judgment for how I lived my life.”

“No. I don’t believe that. Terrible people have strong hearts that beat even while they commit atrocities. It’s not judgment...just a critical organ that’s exhausted.”
