Page 26 of Coming Home

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Going up on her knees, she wrapped her arm around his shoulders. “I negotiated for a fair wage commensurate with my education and experience.” She winked. “I have great health insurance and a 401K.”

“Am I matching it?” he asked with a smile.

“You are and I set aside the max.”

“Positively diabolical. In tenyears, you’ll be able to buy an economy car outright. You’re focused on the long game.”

“It’s the principle, Bennett. I don’t want you to hand me money I haven’t earned or a position I’m not qualified to hold. Your company is fascinating and Ilikewhat I’m doing. It doesn’tfeellike work and beating up your family is a bonus.”

“You thrill me.”

“The feeling is mutual.”

“Marry me, Rowan.”

“I can’t, Bennett.” Holding the side of his face, she stroked her thumb over his temple. “They’re attacking your mental faculties - saying you aren’t able to make decisions for yourself. If you marry me now, they’ll point to our short association as proof that you’re compromised.”

“I don’t care…”

“I do. I won’t let them make the Lion of Finance a joke in the media. In situations like this, the woman is butchered as a whore but the man is made to appear weak and at the mercy of her wiles.”

“We know neither of those things are true.”

“Thetruthisn’t what matters, Bennett. Not with someone like me appearing out of nowhere and landing in the life of one of the wealthiest men in the world. Perception is the only thing the masses care about. You marry me while they’re talking shit about your cognitive ability and your reputation will suffer. I can’t - I won’t - see you compromised in such a way.”

“Come here.” He applied gentle pressure to her elbow until she stood. Then he pulled her down to sit on his thigh. “Don’t move, darling.”

Removing his cell from his jacket, he wrapped his free arm around Rowan’s waist. His brilliant green eyes stared into her soul after he dialed a number and put the call on speaker.

His first ex-wife answered before the ring faded.

“Brenda.” She instantly started loudly berating him and he said softly. “Stop at once.” The woman’s shouting stopped abruptly. “Sign the papers. Sign them today.”

“Or what, Bennett? I’lldestroyyou in the press. No one will ever take you seriously again. That whore…”

“Shut your mouth and listen carefully.” Rowan placed her palm inside Bennett’s jacket over his heart. He wasn’t irate in the slightest. It seemed steady. “Sign the papers or I’ll provide your son with the DNA test that proves he was the product of your affair with the man who catered our third anniversary party. It will instantly nullify all his claims to any part of my estate. The girls as well.”

“W-wait. Bennett...Johnny is yours, the girls...”

“Lie to me again and our conversation is over.”


“You’re the ringleader of this fiasco and we both know that, Brenda. Understand that none of you will get a dime after I die so I suggest you take what I’ve offered and do it quickly. Otherwise, you’ll be left with nothing. My team won’t pay a single bill with any of your names on it. Nothing. My will is airtight, witnessed by three judges and two governors.”

“Bennett, you don’t mean it…”

“This is your one and only chance to squeeze a last payday out of me. I plan to keep you and the rest tied up in court until I’m gone and then you’ll never see a cent. I’m not weak-minded. I fully understand what I’m doing and why. I think you do, too. Push me and you’ll be penniless.”

The other end of the line was silent.

“Am Ibluffing, Brenda?”

There was a rough exhale and then, “No. No, you’re not bluffing, Bennett.”

“You have one hour to sign the papers. Originally, the deadline was midnight but I refuse to give you whatever minutes I have left.”

After another long pause, the woman asked, “Will you negotiate?”
