Page 29 of Coming Home

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No matter how much time she ultimately had with him, it could never be enough.

How she loved him.

Chapter Eight

2002 - Age 25

The one-year deadline Bennett’s doctors gave him to live came and went. Rowan internally celebrated and bent her will to loving her husband harder to keep him with her.

They traveled the world, seeing places and having experiences Bennett had always considered but had never allowed himself the time from work.

James and Mary-Margaret were their constant companions with their team of helpers and a doctor who traveled with them everywhere. The cheerful assistant arranged each destination and the bodyguard helped Rowan keep Bennett safe around the clock.

Every day, Rowan lied to herself.

She pretended she would have the man she loved for the rest of her life. She refused to think about losing him, embraced their unusual marriage as the norm, and soaked up the incredible devotion he showered on her.

Leaving a small chocolate shop in rural Russia, she smiled at Bennett waiting for her in a powered sleigh with James in the front. She handed James and the man who owned the sleigh hot coffees.

Climbing into the back beside him, she gave Bennett a cup of rich cocoa and kissed him on the cheek.

“I can’t believe this was on your list,” she told him laughing.

“Sit back, cover yourself with the synthetic furs that admittedly feel like the real thing, and let’s have ourDoctor Zhivagomoment, darling.”

Pulling the faux fur hat further over his ears, she mumbled, “You know I can’t handleactualfurs.”

“I know and love you for it.” Cheeks flushed from the cold, he looked ten years younger. “Let’s be away, good man!”

They traveled across the snowy tundra and talked animatedly while Rowan took a hundred photos of the scenery and her gorgeous husband.

Behind them, their support staff followed in snowmobiles. She put them - and the reason for their presence - out of her mind and focused on making another item on Bennett’s list the best experience it could possibly be.

As the sun began to set, they returned to their hotel. Their noses and cheeks were red but there was no denying how happy the day had been.

“Room service will be here in an hour, Rowan. You must be hungry after spending so much time out in the cold.”

“Starving. I can’t believe you were able to find a DVD player and a copy of the moviehere.”

“Mary-Margaret is ridiculously efficient.” He rubbed his hands together. “Shower and change. I’ll set it up.”

Half an hour later, she climbed into bed beside Bennett. They slept together fully clothed every night and she loved the opportunity to be close to him.

Sometimes, she woke up terrified that he’d died and would immediately place her hand on his heart while she tried to control her panic. Once in a while, her frantic touch woke him and he’d stare into her eyes with understanding. On those nights, he encouraged her to lay on his chest so she could listen to his heartbeat.

“Ready for the movie, darling?”

Snuggling against him, she nodded, “Ready for anything.”

He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and kissed the top of her head.

As the movie began to play, she lied and lied and lied to herself.

* * *

Every few weeks, they took a break from traveling and spent a month at the estate. Bennett was unofficially retired but a man with his knowledge and altruistic history was always in demand by corporations and colleges.

Rowan and James worked together to get him on and off stages without a production. As a result, the general public didn’t know about Bennett’s failing heart.
