Page 32 of Coming Home

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“Only with you.”

One more kiss and he leaned heavily on James as they made their way across the yard to the rear entrance of the house. When they were almost there, Mary-Margaret joined them on Bennett’s other side.

Miss Jeffries put her hand over Rowan’s and she realized she was twisting hers nervously. Glancing down, she plastered a smile on her face.

The older woman wasn’t convinced. “That never worked on me, honey. Sit down and tell me what’s happenin’ to flush your entire body with fear.”

“Nothing. Everything is-is wonderful.”

From the other side of the table, Gage asked softly, “Is your husband sick, Rowan?” She jerked her gaze to his. “He requires support that counters his fit body and personality.”

Lowering slowly to the chair, she whispered, “No. H-he’s fine. Bennett is going to be fine.” She stared into Gage’s eyes and he didn’t blink. Unexpected tears filled her eyes. “He will.”

Miss Jeffries patted her hand as Nina sat in the chair Bennett had vacated. She handed her a napkin and Rowan pulled her eyes away from Gage to blot her tears before they could fall.

“No one knows.” She gave them a ten-second breakdown of Bennett’s health. Staring at the table, she said, “I’m sorry. I need to be with him.” She kissed Miss Jeffries’ cheek and stood. “The estate is massive. You can explore it with the golf carts.” Forcing a smile for Gage, she told him, “There’s a gorgeous stable filled with great, wild beasts.” He nodded but his smile was sad.

Gesturing to a member of their full-time staff, Rowan waited as the woman joined them with a grin. “Jess is our groundskeeper. She manages the gardens, stables, and aquatic center.” Putting her hand on Jess’s forearm, she requested, “Please make sure my friends have whatever they need. You know the estate better than anyone. I’ll be back in a couple of hours.”

“Of course, ma’am.”

Lifting her hand distractedly, Rowan walked as fast as she could across the lawn, smiling as she avoided people who wanted her attention.

Inside, she found Bennett in his suite. James had removed his jacket, tie, and unbuttoned his shirt. Their in-house doctor was taking his blood pressure.

Kicking off her shoes, Rowan climbed up on the bed out of the doctor’s way. Taking Bennett’s hand, she smiled brightly.

“I owe James fifty bucks. He bet you’d be here in less than ten minutes. I hoped you could hold off your worry for at least an hour.” He shook his head. “It was the heat and excitement. Nothing to fear, my darling.”

“It’s a warm day, Bennett. I should have come inside…”

He tugged her closer and said, “You should beoutsideenjoying your birthday party.”

Stroking her fingers over his cheek, she smiled. “Besideyouis my favorite place to be.” She stretched out beside him.

Against her hair, he murmured, “How the hell did I get so lucky when I have so little time to love you?”

Angling her face up to look at him, she said, “I’ll love you a hundred times harder so you can feel what it would be like spread over twenty or thirty years.”

“I love you, Rowan.”

“I love you, too. With every part of me.”

“Let me cool down and settle my system. Then we’ll return to the party.”


“Oh, yes. For now, lay here with me and let’s wait for my medication to work.”

Resting her cheek on his shoulder, she placed her palm over his heart. The beat felt almost too weak to detect and her own began to race.

His arm tightened around her. “Breathe, darling.”

Nodding, she didn’t speak. There was no way to hide the tears that soaked into his shirt.

* * *

Hours later, she sat beside Bennett as the fireworks show took place in the center of their lake. She held his hand as tight as she could.
