Page 35 of Coming Home

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“Bennett,” she sighed.

He lowered his mouth to hers in an earthshaking kiss she hadn’t experienced in all their moments together. Trembling with need, she returned it, moaning into his mouth as her arm tightened around his waist and her fingers raked through his hair.

When he lifted away, she tried to follow him. Opening her eyes, she stared into vibrant green eyes that practically glowed with need for her.

The real world rushed in and she gasped. Placing her palm over his heart beneath his jacket, she whispered in a panic, “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean…”

His heart beat steady, strong.

He wasn’t out of breath.

Smiling as her eyes filled with tears, she pressed her palm closer and told him happily, “Bennett! It’s better this time.” Lifting her gaze, she laughed. “That’s a good sign.”

“Yes. A man should be allowed to kiss the woman he loves more than anything on the planet.”

Reaching up, she held his face. “Receiving kisses from the man I love more than anything on the planet is the best gift I’ve ever received, Bennett.” She winked. “It’s not even my birthday.”

“Let’s make the rounds, Rowan. I understand there are dozens of people staying on the estate but Mary-Margaret assured me that no one other than staff will be inside the house.”

“I don’t like people in our space. I like you to be comfortable and confident without feeling like you have to perform.”

He dropped another kiss on her lips and took her hand. Walking toward the stairs instead of the elevator, he quipped, “I hope you saved me a dance, Rowan.”

“” She tugged him to a stop at the landing. “W-why are we taking the stairs?”

Quirking his brow, he reminded her, “You always take the stairs, Rowan. If you’re not with me, you run up and down these things several times a day. Come.”

He led her through the house, into the backyard, and directly to the marble dance floor at the base of the courtyard.

Turning, he took her in his arms and held her firmly.

Frightened and confused, she felt on the verge of a panic attack. She looked around for James, needing to know he was close if things went wrong.

Bennett held her close and whispered, “Go with it, Rowan. Pretend this is how we’ve always lived andsoak it up.”

“I’m scared…”

“I know you are, darling. Shove that fear down deep and spend an evening with the man I used to be. The man you should have had. I want to show you, Rowan.”

Tugging her lip between her teeth, she tightened her arms around her husband and nodded. “Alright.”

“My fearless wife.”

He kissed her deeply and she returned it as if they were alone. Then she laughed as they started to dance.

For the first time, she touched him freely and gave him kisses she’dachedto give him. They alternated between dancing and circulating but he never took his hands off her.

Rowan had personally reached out to hundreds of charities that Bennett had impacted over the years. She’d asked them to send their stories about how Bennett had helped them.

They’d done so much more than she asked.

For weeks, she’d been receiving framed photos and letters, plaques signed by children, and trophies in thanks of her husband’s years of dedication to those less fortunate.

Along the back courtyard wall, she’d arranged for large cabinets with lights to be set up. Everything she’d received filled shelf after shelf.

It was a physical representation of how many lives Bennett had truly touched. After the party, they’d be shipped to headquarters for permanent display.

Walking the wall of gratitude at Bennett’s side, Rowan could see the emotions on his face.
